Chapter 2 - Well, Hello There

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Song Credit- 'Crush' by Jennifer Paige

...So, Layla's discovered that she's not really over her first crush. Not in the least. How will things progress from here? Read on..)

Chapter 2

In all the chaos of people milling about, a man on his phone bumps right into me. The sudden hard push, and me being on tip-toes, sets me off balance. I tether for a moment, and then fall rather ungraciously onto my butt.

What the...?

Did that just happen? You got to be kidding me! 

The sheer horror of it is just too much for me to bear. I wish the floor would open up and swallow me.

I struggle to my feet, my face hot with embarrassment.

Rahul comes to my aid, cursing something about inconsiderate asses on phones. He holds me by the arms and pulls me up.

The offender has long since disappeared into the crowd by the time I get to my feet. Not even a sorry from him. He is an ass.

Of all the things that could happen, why this now, God?

I have pictured this moment so many times, and not once do I fall flat on my butt. Karma's a bitch. The universe hates me.

Rahul does not leave the matter at that though. He stands behind me and dusts off my jeans. He is my brother, and it is quite a natural act I suppose, but I am painfully aware of the extra pair of eyes looking at us.

Riaan's eyes are lit as he watches us, his mouth curled at one corner in a slight smirk.   Is that amusement on his face?

"God, dammit," I say hitting away Rahul's hands "you are embarrassing..."

I don't get to finish my sentence. Riaan has by now descended upon us and goes straight to my brother's side. 

"Is she okay?" he asks Rahul, planting himself next to his long-lost friend.

Am I invisible?

"Yes, she's fine. Her bum took most of the fall."

Do they even realise that I'm here?

I can feel the eyes of both men on my ass which is smarting from the fall.

Oh. My. God.

I snap around and glare red-faced at the two of them.

Could I be any more embarrassed?

The embarrassment is clear on my face. I'm sure of it. My face is blazing hot.

Finally, Rahul sees the shame on my face.

The idiot!

Clearing his throat, he turns to Riaan.

"Welcome home, bud," he says. "You finally made it home." He extends his hand and the two men slap palms and embrace.

I let out air I didn't know I'd been holding in. At least the attention is off me for now.

I watch on as Rahul and Riaan do a greeting ritual that only men seem to know. Patting shoulders and monosyllables was hat are unique only to that species.

Men...They are a strange. And they have the nerve to call us complicated.

Now that the focus is off me, I have a few moments to lick my wounds in peace.

I brush my behind with my hands, still feeling the dull pain from the fall. But all's good. No broken bones. My ego's a bit bruised but I will survive.

I have a knack of putting my foot into things. I would like to think it's due to my impulsive nature but I'm starting to think otherwise. Plus, impulsive is not a word I would use to describe myself. I don't have a single impulsive bone in my body.

My latest 'impulsive' incident happened only last week when I managed to spill a milkshake over someone's shoes in the the varsity cafeteria.

I cringe now remembering the incident but quickly push the thought away. No point in feeling twice as bad.

Getting into uncomfortable situations seemed to be my thing. I've accepted the universe and the many trials she places in my way in a daily basis it would seem. It doesn't bother me too much these days.

They two friends finally pipe down. Weird handshakes and back tapping done, they realize that I'm standing there. Riaan turns to me. That funny feeling in the pit of my tummy fires up.

Whoa...Haven't had that feeling in a while.

He walks towards me, his eyes smiling. It takes him two steps to close the gap between us and without hesitating, he embraces me.

"Jaanu," he whispers.

Something delicious shoots through me. My skin prickles and my breath catches. I feel his body tense as he holds me in a tight embrace.

He feels strong and warm.

Why the fuck did he have to feel strong and warm?

Jaanu...he called me Jaanu...

Nobody has called me Jaanu since my father died five years ago. It had been a term of endearment that my dad had taken to calling me when I was little. It is a Hindi word meaning, 'my love, my life.'

Even Rahul and my mother have seized calling me this. I guess they can't bring themselves to utter it since it holds too many memories of my dad. I don't mind having lost the name. It's a painful for me to hear too.

And now, here it is again, said softly from the beautiful mouth of this man.

But it isn't the word 'Jaanu" that has sent shock waves through my body. It's the man who's said it. I'm sure of it.

His voice is like a switch that when flipped sets my heart racing. I'm acutely aware of his hands that firmly grip me. It sends a tingling feeling through me that settles in the pit of my stomach and in between my legs. There is no denying it. Riaan affects me in a way no one else can.

I look up to see that the smile he had when he first embraced me has all but vanished. He is looking at me with such intensity now that I struggle to keep eye contact with him.

Does he feel what I'm feeling too?

Impossible...Don't flatter yourself, Layla...

"N-nobody calls me that anymore," I manage to stutter.

This closeness is overwhelming. I can get the smell of clean sweat melding with his powdery cologne. My stomach tightens at the smell of him.

"It's just Layla, now."

(Hope you're feeling the sparks!)

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