I Miss You Part 2

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Lauren listened to their song on repeat over and over again. Every time it played she poured herself another glass of wine until finally she felt sick, but she kept drinking.

'Darlin' you look perfect tonight'

She grabbed her phone and dialled the number that she knew off by heart. No answer.

"YOU! I LOVE YIU AMD YOU'TE GINE!! IM SIRRY!! YOU CSN MIVE ON BUT YOU WIKK ALEAYS BE MINE!" She yelled into the voicemail before hanging up. She cried as she put the phone down not know what else to do with herself. She decided enough was enough and it was time to go to bed. She started walking to her room but passed out before she even made it to the stairs.

She was woken up by the doorbell ringing and roughly made her way to it. Her hair was everywhere and there was a puddle of drool on the floor to where she passed out for the night. The doorbell rang once more.

"OKAY IM COMING!" She yelled. She opened the door and her face lit up.
"Camila...." She said.

"Lauren we have to talk" Camila said walking past Lauren, inviting herself in.

"Why are you here??" Lauren asked hoping for the answer she's been waiting for.

"I got your voicemail" Camila said. Lauren thought she couldn't remember sending her a voicemail let alone calling her.
"Listen" Camila added as she played the voicemail.

""YOU! I LOVE YIU AMD YOU'TE GINE!! IM SIRRY!! YOU CSN MIVE ON BUT YOU WIKK ALEAYS BE MINE!" Lauren's voice said coming through the phone. Lauren hid her face in embarrassment.

"Hey it's okay" Camila said.

"No Camila it's not! I'm totally head over heels in love with you but you've moved on with another bitch who is probably the best person and prettier than me, skinnier than me and just all in all your soulmate but yet here I am crying because I've lost mine" Lauren said as her eyes filled with tears.

"Lauren, there is no one else. It's always been you" Camila said. As they were about to kiss, Lauren woke up. It was a dream.

Their song still playing on repeat as Lauren sat up from the floor she had recently passed out on.

"FUCK!!!" She yelled ready to just give up.
"I miss you"


CamreennnnIsLifffeee thanks for asking for a part 2 really enjoyed writing it, if any of you have any requests just let me know I'm up for writing anything, enjoy x

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