Opposites Attract

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Lauren had a crush on Camila for quite a while now. She sat in the cafeteria staring at the girl who sat just across the room from her.

They were both completely different. Both in totally different groups. You could say they were totally the opposite of each other. Lauren was in the rough group, the stereo typical bad girl group. Camila on the other hand was apart of the popular group, people loved her and people wanted to be her. Lauren would ride a motorcycle to school. Camila would ride in a Rolls Royce. They both came from very different upbringings but yet Lauren saw this lust in Camila.

"Hey! Dreamer wake up!" Dinah, Lauren's best friend, said waving her hand in Lauren's face.

"What?" Lauren said acting like she wasn't doing anything.

"Oh come on, we all know you have a crush on little miss perfect over there" She said pointing towards Camila.

"I DO NOT!" Lauren yelled grabbing attention from Camila. Lauren made direct eye contact with her before turning red and looking away. She looked back up to see Camila had gone.

"Hi" Lauren heard beside her as she jumped from her seat. She looked over and saw Camila standing there.

"What's up" Lauren said trying to act cool as me moved some hair in front of her face. She tried to lean back but failed as she hit her back on the arm of the chair behind her.

"OUCH!" She yelled in pain.

"OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!" Camila said staring to yell to. She helped Lauren keep her balance on the chair before soothing her back with her hand.

"Uhhh....." Lauren said as she felt her face burn.

"I should go" Lauren said grabbing her leather jacket from the table and running as fast as she could out of the doors.

"She's nervous" Dinah said very sarcastically to Camila. Camila laughed a little and walked out of the doors after Lauren.

Lauren got to her bike before putting on her leather jacket and helmet. She started up her bike before feeling a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Camila and almost fell off her bike. What was this girl doing to her. She was so clumsy in front of her it was embarrassing. Lauren heard a giggle from Camila's lips. She suddenly became clumsy again before actually falling this time. Camila caught her in time before she hit the concrete floor. Camila set Lauren up on her feet once more before handing her a piece of paper.

"Here" Camila started.

"It's my number, call me sometime" She finished. Lauren smiled and took the small piece of paper. Camila blew Lauren a kiss before staring to walk away.

"And that's how mommy met mommy" Lauren said to the two beautiful kids that sat in front of them.

Camren One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें