The Play

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Lauren was so excited for today. She had bought tickets to see her favourite play, Cinderella. She was going with her best friend Ally and she had no idea what to wear. She wanted to be a little classy since the theatre was known for an audience of class but then again she was going to be sitting down for 2 hours and wanted to be comfortable.

After searching her closet for hours, she decided to go with printed dark pants, a burgundy top with matching shoes and an ankle length waistcoat.

She brushed her hair and heard a honk outside. She walked to the window and saw it was Ally beeping the horn of her car over and over again.

"LAUREN COME ON!!" Ally shouted from the car.

"Okay okay I'm coming" Lauren said locking her front door and walking to the car. Ally drove them to the theatre and they took their seats waiting for the play to start.

Lauren picked up a programme but it was quickly taken from her hands by Ally.

"Oh!! Let me see" she said excitedly grabbing the programme.

"Sure go ahead" Lauren said sarcastically.

"Hey the Prince is delicious" Ally said and Lauren laughed. Ally knew Lauren was into girls but still insisted on talking about boys.

The lights dimmed as the play was about to start. One light shines bright on the leading role. Lauren's she's widened as she had just gazed upon the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The play went on for hours and Lauren couldn't keep her eyes off that one girl. The girl playing Cinderella.

As the play needed Lauren stayed sat in her seat.

"Lauren come on" Ally said. She snapped out of her gaze and grabbed her things.

"what's up with you?" Ally asked.

"Her. That girl" is all Lauren could say.
"Give me that!" Lauren said snatching the programme back off ally.

"Hey! Rude" Ally said.

"Cabello" Lauren said under her breath.

"What?" Ally asked.

"Cabello. Camila Cabello" Lauren said.

"You have a crush on the girl who played a character?" Ally said laughing a little.

"No, she's...different" Lauren said closing the programme and making her way out of the theatre room. She looked around and saw a few of the actors taking pictures with fans, but her Cinderella was no where to be seen.

Everyone started leaving slowly and Lauren stayed hoping that her Cinderella would show up, but she didn't. She left the theatre disappointed.

"Come on Lolo we'll go get some pizza" Ally said clicking her keys to open the car.

"Wait" Lauren said as she looked around and saw a woman drop her phone from her back pocket.
"EXCUSE ME!!" She yelled picking up the phone and running after the woman.
"Excuse me wait!" She yelled getting a little closer. At that moment the woman turned around and Lauren had met the face she's been looking for all night.

"Oh was thank you!!" The woman said grabbing her phone.

"Cinderella" Lauren said under her breath.

"Sorry?" She said.

"Cinderella, you played Cinderella" Lauren said trying to get her words out.

"You watched the play huh?" She said. Lauren nodded.

"So, I found your phone, like the prince found your slipper, he gets your hand in marriage. You think maybe I could...." Lauren was asking before she got interrupted.

"Wow!! We just met! I can't marry you" Camila said.

"I was going to ask for you number" Lauren said laughing a little.

"Oh...that you can have" Camila said blushing a little.

"I'll call you" Lauren said.

"You better"

Sorry it's been so long for an update, I haven't really had the time since I've been preparing for exams and actually doing them, I'm hoping to start posting as usual from May onwards but until then they will be slow updates, I thought I'd post this for Valentines Day!! Happy Valentines Day Guys!!♥️

Camren One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon