The Apology

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Things had been rough between Camila and Lauren lately. Lauren had messed up a lot and didn't know what to do to make it up to Camila. Hell she was surprised that Camila was still here, but she was glad Camila hadn't given up on her so easily. She fought even if it took all the energy out of her and now it was Lauren's turn.

Seeing how much Lauren had hurt Camila, it hurt her. She decided enough was enough. She had done enough damage and acted like the biggest bitch ever. She needed to put Camila first no matter what.

Incoming text....

Lolo: Hey babe I know things have been rough but can you come over tonight? We need to talk x

Camz: Sure, be there at 7.

She understood why Camila was acting this way towards her and she deserved every moment of it. Hours had passed and it was approaching 7pm. Lauren did one last thing before taking a step back and looking around.

Lauren lived in a flat so everything was kinda close and one level. As soon as you walked through the front door you'd have the bedroom on the left and the living room straight ahead. The living room lead into the kitchen with an opening big enough for one person.

As Lauren was staring at her the inside of her flat the doorbell rang. She walked to the door and turned off the lights before opening it.

"I swear Lauren this better be...." Camila said but stopped once she saw what was in front of her. Lauren smiled at the girls expression.

In front of Camila was a small table big enough for two people. There were rose petals on the floor leading to the table. Camila walked forward following the rose petals. Her eyes started to water when she saw all he candles that lit up the room. She smiled and turned to Lauren.

"Sit" Lauren said. Camila didn't answer and just sat. Lauren hurried off into the kitchen and came back with more chicken nuggets than you could ever think of.

"I know their your favourite" Lauren said laughing a little. Camila didn't say anything and just started munching on her nuggets.

"Happy?" Lauren asked. Camila didn't say anything and just kept eating her nuggets. Lauren sighed. She placed her hand on top on Camila's.

"Camila. Look. I know I've fucked up really badly. I almost lost you and that was the last thing I want to do, but you stayed. You don't understand how grateful I am that you stayed. I know this" Lauren said motioning around her "isn't going to make up for what I've done but it's a start. I know it's gonna take a while for you to trust me again but I'm gonna try my hardest. I'm always gonna put you first no matter what. Nothing is going to stop me from being with you nothing. We're gonna fight and yes I'm gonna fuck up again but never this bad. Ever. Camila I love you and I'm gonna make it up to you everyday until you say you forgive me. You might never forgive me but I'm willing to take that just to be with you. One day I'm gonna make you my wife and we're gonna love the best life together. We're gonna have the most amazing kids. Go on the best family getaways and just be he perfect family and I'm gonna have the most beautiful and perfect wife anyone could ask for. Men and women will be looking with jealousy because they can't have you. I just don't want to lose you and I can't. It would break me if you walked away but it's what makes you happy then I'm happy for you. It'll be hard but I know you deserve better. I just want you to know that I love you more than anything and I would do anything for you" she gripped Camila's hand tighter but not hard enough to hurt her.

Camila thought for a while then pulled her hand away. She got up and walked to the door. Lauren's heart broke for a moment until she saw what Camila was doing. She was turning the lock on the door. She turned around and bit her lip skipping her way back to Lauren and sat on her lap.

"I agree it will take some time but I know we can get back to where we were. We all fuck up a little even me. I love you Lauren" she said before planting a passionate kiss on the brunettes lips.

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