Fuck Love

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Camila's aunt was getting married today. She was the flower girl. She wore a pink dress just above the knee while she carried a small basket with even smaller petals inside.

Her aunt was one of those bridezillas. She screamed, yelled and cried for the past 5 hours before her wedding. Time was coming closer and closer and things were slowly coming together

Camila watched her aunt walk down the aisle. She stared crying but not because she was overwhelmed with happiness but because she was overwhelmed with sadness.

Lauren broke up with her yesterday. She found out everything. Camila was in a secret relationship with Shawn but way before she even got to know Lauren. Shawn was in a way embarrassed by Camila and they only slept together in secret locations. Camila had enough and left he rocky relationship and left Shawn behind. Then, she met Lauren. Shawn's best friend.

Lauren had treated her right but she didn't take the news well. Camila didn't even get a chance to tell Lauren herself. Shawn had begged her not to. Camila wanted to tell her but it was just so hard. Things were going so well with Lauren she didn't wanna fuck things up.

That was until things got fucked up. The bitch of the century, Ally had told Lauren everything. Everything. Lauren that night broke up with Camila without even hearing what she had to say.

"I'm breaking up with you" Camila heard over and over again in her head as she sat there staring at her aunt who had the biggest smile on her face.

"This will never be me" Camila thought.
"Maybe someday but not with the person I love. Not with the one person I love the most and see myself with, or did...." she thought once again.

Fuck. This. Shit.

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