"Step back or I will kill him" The criminal

RK looked at Madhu pleading her with his eyes to leave. Madhu walked back away from them both

"Now you said you will help me to escape. How will we go out from this maize?" The criminal

"Don't use the elevator. Use the stairs" RK

"Why?" the criminal

"The less people see you the less chances they call the police" RK

"Where are the stairs?" the criminal

"At the end of this corridor, at the right" RK

RK led the criminal to go out of the hospital. He tried his best to take him away from the hospital staff or the patients rooms. He didn't want to expose them to any risk.

When they reached the garage, the criminal saw the police there waiting for him. He understood that RK led him into a trap. He started to threat the police with killing RK. One of the police officers pointed his gun at him.

Madhu was standing from distance watching them. She saw the police officer nodded to RK to lean down so he can shoot the criminal in the head. When RK tried to get loose from the criminal hold. The criminal stabbed RK in the heart with the scalpel. RK fell down in the ground bleeding from his chest. In the exact moment, the police shot the criminal in the head. They both fell down on the ground.

Madhu screamed calling for her husband. Then her vision started to bluer, her ears started buzzing. Then black out. She passed out and fell on the ground too.

RK was lying on the ground bleeding, when he heard his wife screaming calling his name. He looked at her and saw her lying on the ground.

He stood up and went to her slowly because of his wound. When he reached her, he saw her unconscious. There was blood underneath her. He called for help. The doctors and nurses came and took them both.

He started to feel dizzy because of the blood loss. Last thing he heard was a man's voice talking about his wife

"Madhu is in her 8th week Dr. Kabir

After a hour

RK opened his eyes slowly. He saw a doctor standing beside his bed

"Thanks God, doctor Kundra you are ok. The man stabbed you one inch away from the heart. He didn't hit important vein. But you lost a lot of blood. So please don't try to move" Dr. Bittu

"Where is Madhu?" RK said weakly

"She is ok. She is out of surgery. Still in the recovery room" Dr. Bittu

"What surgery?" RK

"Sorry doctor. Dr. Kundra lost the baby" Dr. Bittu

"What? It can't be?" RK was trying to get up

"What are you doing doctor you can't move" Dr. Bittu

"I need to see her now" RK

"You can't" Dr. Bittu

"Stop me" RK said with challenging tone

"Doctor please. Your stitches are still fresh. It will open again. You lost a lot of blood. You can't lose more" Dr. Bittu

"I want to see her" RK started to shout

"Ok I will tell them when she wakes up they will bring her here in this room. You both will be in the same room" Dr. Bittu

"I can't wait. I want to see her right now" RK

"Please doctor. Please understand. You need to be strong for her" Dr. Bittu

RK couldn't protest more. He knew that was danger for him to move. He wanted to save all his strength to take care of Madhu.

After few minutes, which passed like days for RK, they brought Madhu to his room. She wasn't conscious yet. He ordered them to bring her bed the closest to his.

He reached out to her with his right hand, and stroked her hair gently.

Dr. Alia came and explained Madhu's condition to RK

"I'm so sorry Dr. Kundra for your loss" Dr. Alia

"Was there any way we could save it?" RK said sadly

"No. we didn't waste any time. When Dr. Kabir said about her pregnancy, they called me at once. And when I did the ultrasound scan, the baby was already dead. So we couldn't do anything but to remove it from her" Dr. Alia

"Thank you doctor" RK said with sadness in his voice

"Why didn't Madhu tell me about her pregnancy before that? I'm her senior and I'm gynecologist. Why did she keep that from me?" Dr. Alia was confused

"We just knew the news recently. She was coming to tell you" RK

Then the doctor left the room

"Rishabh what happened?" Padmini

RK saw Padmini entering the room running. She was so panicked and worry

"We are ok mom. Don't worry. We are ok" RK

"Madhu. Why is she lying on the bed? What happened to her?" Padmini

"They didn't tell you?" RK

"Tell me what Rishabh? The news talked about you only. No one mentioned Madhu" Padmini

"She had a miscarriage" RK

"What? Madhu was pregnant. Since when?" Padmini was shocked

"We just knew recently" RK told the same lie he told to her doctor

"Oh my poor daughter. I'm sure she will be broken" Padmini went to Madhu's bed and caressed her hair

"And you Rishabh. The news said someone stabbed you" Padmini

"It is small injury. Not a serious one" RK

"I'll stay here with you both tonight" Padmini

"No mom. I'm here with Madhu. I'll take care of her. You can come tomorrow" RK

"But Rishabh. How can I go and leave you both like this" Padmini

"You can't leave Aryan and Trishna. They must be scared and worry. Please go home. I will call the driver for you" RK

"I will wait until Madhu is ok" Padmini

"Mom it is late already. Please go home now" RK

After few minutes, the driver entered the room

"Mom the driver is here. Go with him please" RK

"But I..." Padmini

"I'll call you the moment Madhu's wakes up. Ok?" RK

"Ok son. Take care please" Padmini

"Bye mom" RK

RK thought in his mind

"She didn't tell me. She didn't tell her senior who is gynecologist. She didn't tell her mother. The only one she told was her friend Kabir"

After half-hour

"Rishabh" Madhu

RK looked at her. She was still drugged. But she was calling his name repeatedly. He tried to move closer to her

"I'm here Madhu. I'm right here" RK

"My son... Rishabh... My baby... Rishabh we will have a baby... I'm pregnant Rishabh... I'm carrying your baby... Please Rishabh don't take my baby from me... I love him Rishabh... I love you... I have your son Rishabh" Madhu continued blabbering under the drug effect

RK couldn't prevent his tears anymore. They started to flow from his eyes. He let them be.

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