AUHW ~ Thirty-Three

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Justin P.O.V

*4 months later*

"Can you please be careful?!" I exclaimed as I rushed to help Jason get into his car. He turned around swiftly and gave me that 'can you relax?' look making me huff.

"It's been months, Justin. Relax. I'm alright and fully healed" 

"'Okay, but still. You need to take it slow" He sighed and walked over to me before leaning down and pressing his lips against my forehead and kissing it softly.

"I promise I will take it slow. Now go back in-"

"Daddy! Mommy!" We heard the kids yelling. Turning around, I looked at the two as they ran towards their father and stopped right in front of him "Can we give you another hug?" Jaylene asked making me smiled at their cuteness and watched Jason bend down to embrace them both.

"I love you both so so much. Never forget that" He stated wholeheartedly before he kissed both of their foreheads "Now go back inside and take care of yourselves. Do your homework and I'll check it when I get back" What a great dad.

"I love you so so much too, daddy" Jayne replied.

"I love you more" Jaylene stated "But what if mommy checks it instead of you?" She questioned pointing at me.

"Then if he does, I'll be glad and grateful" Jason said looking up at me and winking. The kids smiled wildly and kissed Jason's cheeks before coming to me and grabbing both of my hands.

"Have a great day at work, daddy!" Jaylene exclaimed waving at him. We watched Jason get into the back of the SUV and speed off just as Tyrus' car pulled up inside the gates.

"Make yourself at home!" We heard Jason yell from down the road making me and the kids laugh. 

"You heard the man. Pool party" Tyrus came out of the car hyping the kids up but I was here ready to shut that so called party down.

"First of all, that's not what he meant by make yourself at home and second, you kids got homework. Let's go. You go back to school tomorrow" They all groaned and moaned as they walked into the house. Which is not really a house because it's more like an empire, but hey, rich people will always be rich people.

If you're wondering what happened to Teresa after she stabbed Jason, I'll be glad to tell you. Aside from a retaining order, she lost custody of the kids and is in jail for 13 years on the charges of attempted murder. On top of that, have in mind that she needs to attend therapy to help her crazy ass for five years straight. If she fails to attend, she will be back in jail.

That's what she gets for trying to kill a man that doesn't want her anymore.

"Mommy" Looking down, I saw Jayne with his backpack "My only homework is math and let's just say, I'm still hiding my last test from daddy" 

"What did you get on it?" I questioned.

"A sad, very sad 57%" 

"How many questions?" 

"10, but like, they were really tricky questions. I thought they were easy so I did them with no problem and the answers were there so I thought it was good, but no. The teacher tricked me" I chuckled and brought him to the kitchen.

"Alright, do it and I'll check it" He nodded and took his books out. Jaylene came running to the kitchen and took a seat next to her brother.

"I'll be in the pool if anyone needs me. Just please, don't need me at all? Thanks" Rolling my eyes, I started making lunch for all of us and Jason just in case he decides to pop up like he have before. 

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