AUHW ~ Thirty-One

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Narrator P.O.V

Teresa looked down at what she did and started shaking her head. She got off of Jason and covered her mouth with bloody hands. The knife still firm in her grip as she stared at Jason. McCann was already unconscious. His face and whole body getting pale by the lost of blood.

"I killed him" She whispered as she backed away from the bed. In a second, was searching for her clothes as tears streamed down her face. Once she got dressed, she put her shoes on and flew out of the room and out of the front door, not caring about leaving her kids behind. With no one in the house except for a lifeless Jason McCann.

An hour has passed by and Jaylene started turning in her bed due to a nightmare of a giant dog wanting to bite her. In a second, she shot up in her bed looking around frantically for her father, but she knew he wasn't there.

She knew he was in his room.

Getting out of her bed, Jaylene slipped  her slippers on and walked out of her room and down the hallway to her parents room. Wanting nothing more than to cuddle in the middle of her parents.

Arriving at the door of her parents' room, Jaylene leaned forwards on her toes and gripped the doorknob with both hands before twisting it.

"Daddy? Mom?" The baby girl called out but nothing. She searched for the light switch and turned it on. Looking over at the bed, Jaylene gasped as she ran to the bed "Daddy?!" She screamed as she jumped on the bed and started shaking Jason "Daddy!" Jaylene kept screamed and the more she cried for her daddy, the more scared she got.

Climbing off of the bed, Jaylene ran to her big brother's room. Leaning once again on her little toes, Jaylene twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open.

"Jay! Doggie!" Jaylene called out loudly as she climbed into her big brother's bed "Jayne!" She cried. Tears running down her cheeks.

"Yeah?" Jayne asked as he sat up on his bed and looked at his sister "Why are you crying? What's wrong, puppy?" 

"It's daddy, doggie! And mom is not here" Jaylene cried. At that, both Jayne and Jaylene jumped off of the bed and ran towards their father's room.

Running into the room, the two babies stared at their father as he was covered in blood. The open wounds were still pouring blood out like they were freshly made. Both of the little kids' mind were racing with what that red thing could possibly be. They only knew two things that were red.

"Should we call the police, doggie?" Jaylene her big brother as they stared their father.

"Daddy said that before we call the police in any situation, to call someone else first. We can't call the police, puppy" Jayne said as he looked at his baby .

"Mommy gave us his phone number! Remember when he was baby sitting us? He said to call him if we need something. We need something now, doggie" Jaylene said making Jayne get off of the bed.

"Look for it while I look for daddy's phone, puppy" Jaylene nodded and ran down the stairs and to the kitchen. Looking into the big jar in the  counter, Jaylene emptied the jar of emergency numbers and looked for the paper with the cute flower.

"Mommy said it was going to be easier to find the number if it had a pretty flower, but I don't find it" Jaylene cried as she kept looking.

Jayne was looking in all the drawers for his father's phone but nothing. He couldn't find it. Looking around the room, Jayne's eyes widened and he searched for his daddy's pants. Once he found it, he searched the pockets and cheered when he found the phone. Just then, Jaylene walked in with a piece of paper at hand.

"I found it, doggie!" Jaylene cheered. Both of the kids climbed into the bed once again "What is that in daddy's peepee, doggie?" Jaylene asked she looked at her father's private parts.

"I don't know, puppy" Jayne replied.

"It's broken at the end, Jay. Did daddy do that?"

"Lets wait for mommy, Lene. I don't know anything about peepee's" Jaylene nodded and gave the paper to to Jayne as Jayne gave her the phone "Mark the number I tell you"

"Okay" Jaylene mumbled.

"555-632-8976" Jaylene dialed the numbers Jayne gave her and pressed the phone to her ear as waited for Justin to answer.

"Why you calling me so late, baby?"

"Mommy?" Jaylene called out.

"Jaylene? What's wrong, baby girl?" Justin asked as he as up in his bed.

"It's daddy, mommy. Daddy is covered in sauce and won't wake up. Is he playing with us and we don't know? He has something on his peepee too. I don't know why daddy is naked"

"It's not sauce, Jaylene. Give me the phone. This is a job for men" Jayne said as he took the phone from Jaylene "Mommy?"

"What's going on, Jayne?" Justin asked as he got dressed.

"Mommy, daddy is covered in ketchup and won't wake up. He is naked and Teresa is not here"

"Ketchup? Sauce?" Justin asked dumbfounded until something clicked "Jayne, buddy. I will need you to call a number I will give you and tell them that your daddy is hurt, okay? That he is bleeding and you need an ambulance. Tell them you live in 678 Madison Ave. I'll be there in a second, okay?"

"What number am I going to call, mommy?"



OH SHIET.... Number and address is as fake as Selena Gomez talent btw, don't even search it up.

And don't get fucking offended. Selena's talent is existent as long as she has autotune by her side.

~ Eli

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