AUHW ~ Twenty-Eight

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Justin P.O.V

Pulling away from Jason, I chuckled and looked down at the kids. Whom may I say are quite excited to see us swapping spit with each other. Again, aren't these kids three and five?

"Mommy!" Jaylene exclaimed "Are you and daddy getting married?" I almost choked on my spit as those words left her mouth.

"Jaylene!" I scolded but really, I just wanted to laugh at her antics.

"Its true!" Jayne said jumping into the conversation "Daddy, you're getting married to mommy, right?" Look at him, wanting to act like a man and all.

"We are not even dating, young Casanova" I chuckled. His eyes snapped towards me before they moved back to Jason.

"Daddy!" Jayne exclaimed.

"Yeah?" Jason replied nonchalantly.

"Why haven't you dated mommy?" This guy.


"No, daddy. No excuses, you need to date mommy, right now. With us here. Right, sis?" He asked Jaylene whom nodded excitedly.

"Yes!" She cried. Jason chuckled and I could tell it was nervously. Looking at me, he smiled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Justin...?" He called out as he held my hand at a reasonable length due to the kids being in the middle of us.

"Yeah?" I whispered. It was comical how Jaylene and Jayne were looking between us like we were their favorite cartoons.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and the way his face reddened was kind of adorable. That a grown man with two kids, was nervous of asking somebody out, but... Was I ready for a relationship? I don't know.

It was all going great but I was just waiting for something go wrong. Why? Because in situations like this, where everything is going great, something is bound to go wrong. Nothing ever stays as great and I'm saying that out of experience.

Something is going to go wrong.

"Mommy?" The kid's voice in unison brought me back to reality. I looked down at them to see them looking at me expectantly. You'd think Jason would be the one looking at me like that, but he was just looking at me as if he was scared out of his mind.

I like Jason, I really do. His handsome, manly face drove me crazy. That smile that could put an unbelievable amount of innocence in his eyes. That soft, silky hair that screamed at me to run my fingers through it every time. That habit he has of scratching the back of his neck when he is nervous or uncomfortable. Or maybe the way his eyes shine when he is happy and the light hits down on him.

Its all minor things that I have noticed while being with him. Which I only noticed because I care. I care about Jason. I care about the kids... I care about me and my future.

"Justin?" I adverted my eyes from the kids and looked at Jason "If you're not ready to answer, its okay. Don't let the kids make you think this is forced"

"Its not that" I mumbled "I'm dying to say yes and become your boyfriend. Its at the tip of my tongue, but... I can't help the thought of something going wrong with this... Its all too good to be true" I admitted.

"If you're scared of the future and what it might bring. Shit is bound to go wrong. You just have to change the way you look at things" Looking at him for a few more seconds, I looked down at the kids and saw them still looking at me expectantly.

"Yes" I said.

"What?" Jason asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend" I said louder this time as a smile made its way to my face.

"Oh my God, really?" Jason questioned.

"Yes" I laughed.

"Oh my Gosh" Within a second, I was being lifted up in the air as two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waists. I gasped loudly but that didn't last long seeming as a pair of two soft, warm lips pressed themselves against mine.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Two little minions started to chant as I kissed Jason back passionately. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smiled against his lips, breaking away from the kiss. Looking down at him, I stared into his eyes, loving the glow in them.

I only pray whatever bad is going to happen, that it doesn't happen to be that.

The glow in his eyes.


I'm such a dickhead, I know I know but adulthood is coming and even if I'm not ready, its gonna smack me in the face.... And that's the fact that I'm working this summer and also going to college.


~ Eli

An Unexpected Home Wrecker {BxB}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin