AUHW ~ Twenty-Four

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Jason P.O.V

I was overjoyed to see my minions and Justin himself. Today was finally Friday. Meaning that tomorrow was my mom's barbeque. Which means, since Teresa and I haven't been completely divorce, she would have to attend. But trust me, it won't get past tomorrow for me to tell mom about my divorce and the reason why.

She might completely hate me because of her religion.

Or she could totally support me.

Either way, I would never hold a grudge against my mother. For a reason she was my mother. And no matter what, she could hate me and everything, I would never hold it against her.

"So, are you guys excited for tomorrow?" Justin was sitting in the passenger seat as I drove and Iris was sitting in the back with my minions.

"Should be fun" Justin said as he smiled at me. His face red and I don't even know why but I wasn't complaining. The color totally complimented his face. For the most part anyways.

"I'm so excited to see grandma!" Jaylene exclaimed throwing her tiny arms in the air.

"Grandma said she has candy for us. I love her" Jayne said clapping. I rolled my eyes at his diabetic self. I can just pray to god he doesn't grow up with diabetes problems.

"Of course. Love her only when she has candy for you" I said sarcastically.

"You are catching up, daddy. And here Jaylene and I thought you were dumb" My eyes widened at his words.

"Excuse me?"

"Um--- Daddy, what Jayne means is that he um... That he loves you and that is why is why he is calling you dumb. It was all Jayne daddy, he called you dumb, not me. Show him the belt, not me" Wow, what a great defender.

"Jaylene!" Jayne gasped "You're so stupid! Why would you say that?! Now daddy is going to ground me" He argued.

"Is not my fault you're dumb to call daddy dumb. No body is dumb, only you are dumb" What? Are they learning riddles or something and I'm not aware?

"Enough!" I said loudly as Iris and Justin chuckled. Of course, join them instead of helping me "Apologize to each other and you're both grounded for a week. No TV or video games or barbies. Until you learn how to fix your attitude" I said.

"Can we do that when you learn how to fix your love life?" I tried so hard to not let my mouth fall open. What kind of mother flapping language is that?!

I guess that's what happens when you leave them with Justin Bieber for a few days.

"Savage!" Justin exclaimed quietly as he disguised his laugh with choked coughs.

"Now!" I said with all playfulness gone from my tone. They sighed and turned to each other.

"I'm sorry, dumb Jayne" I rolled my eyes because there was nothing I could do. Unless I stopped the car and took my belt off. That would teach them. But they had a thing where when I introduced them to the belt once in a while, they would become my enemies for a week and not talk to me.

That is why I refrain myself from using the belt so much. Or else, who would bring me water when I was laying on the couch watching TV?

"I'm sorry, stupid Jaylene"

"Disrespectful" Jaylene mumbled "Daddy?" She called out.


"Why does Jayne have half of my name? He is too dumb. He only goes to school to get a kiss from a colored girl called Asya" Turned out that what she said was true because not only did Jayne gasped, but so did Justin. Excuse me?

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