AUHW ~ Sixteen

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Teresa P.O.V

I drove down the road just as the GPS told me and I couldn't stop shaking. Was I so bitter to actually do this? Yes. I was bitter enough to not want to divorce Jason. Why would I? He was perfect. And we had kids together.

He shouldn't want to leave me anyways.

Parking outside of the small, old looking house, I turned the engine off and got out of the car, locking it after taking my purse. Signing, I walked to the front porch and knocked on the door. Stepping back, I took a deep breath and waited for the lady to open the door. The door opened to show a lady wearing an oversized floral gown.

"Hello, you must be Teresa McCann" I nodded and she opened the door wider "Come in, please" I walked in and chills went up my spine at the eerieness of this house. Candles were lighting up the rather dark place giving it a creepy vibe.

Jesus Christ, what am I doing here?

Oh, that's right.

"Take a seat please" She mentioned me to a table that had a crystal ball in the middle of it. I took a seat and looked around warily. The lady, whom may I add is rather young, way too young if I say so myself, took a seat in front of me and looked at me.

Her make up was covering her face as if she wanted to be someone else because of how excessive it was. Her lips were outlined with lipstick making them look bigger and her eyes were a creepy black color. Not just the circles how they are supposed to be, but the all black contacts. Covering her white part of the eyes as well.

I wanted to bolt out of this place but I had to do what I had to do to keep my family united.

"What is it that you want me to do for you?" She asked and even her voice sounded creepy. Jesus Christ.

"Prevent my husband from leaving me" I said cutting to the chase.

"Tie your husband to you?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows. I nodded my head and she hummed "You want me to use my black magic on your husband so he won't divorce you, huh? Why would he leave you?" She asked.

"Because suddenly he is gay!" I exclaimed "And he was unfaithful to to me with another man! Isn't that just wrong?" She nodded as if mocking me but I knew better.

"Why would he find out he's gay after marrying you?" She asked to which I just shrugged.

"How would I know?" I huffed "Just help me make my husband never, ever, leave my side. I'll pay you whatever" She nodded.

"For what you're asking me, I'll need a pair of used boxers from your husband" She informed. I took a deep breath and opened my bag taking out a pair of Jason's used boxers. I handed them to her and she took them as if they were something evil.

Which if Jason used them, they might be evil.

The woman spread the boxer careful across the table and put four candle around it before closing her eyes.

"With all the power that I've been provided, the person to whom this boxers belong, shall never, in a life time, leave Teresa McCann. He shall cherish and love her until... The motherfucking divorce is up, because bitch, how psychotic are you to want to tie my brother to your ass forever?" My eyes widened as I stared at the woman in front of me while she opened her pitch black eyes.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You fucking heard me, Teresa" She spat "Imagine my surprise when my aunt, Jason's aunt as well mind you, called to tell me that Teresa McCann herself made an appointment to see her and I instantly knew that you were up to no good so, I asked her if I could take this session for her. She agreed because guess what? She loves her nephew too much to ever harm him and tie him to someone he no longer loves" She encountered and I recognized the voice immediately.

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