AUHW ~ Thirty-Two

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Justin P.O.V

I arrived at the McCann household at the same time the ambulance and police cars did. Opening the door while Tyrus was still driving, I got out of the car and ran to the house. Twisting the doorknob to realize that it was unlocked, I pushed it open.

I am going to murder that motherfucker.

Running up the stairs, I ran to Jason's room and opened the door before jogging in. I stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes landed on the bed Jason was laying. My hands covered my mouth to stop myself from falling apart. My eyes moved towards Jayne and Jaylene as they stared at their dad laying there, totally naked and bloody. At the moment the only thing going on going through my mind was that Jason was bleeding endlessly and I didn't know if he was dead, barely breathing or what the fuck ever.

"Babies" I called out making them look at me.

"Mommy!" They exclaimed and got off of the bed before running to me and hugging my legs. Bending over I looked at them with sadness as they wrapped their arms around my neck.

"Daddy won't stop playing dead with us. He even put ketchup and got naked for us" I shook my head slowly.

"He is not playing, young Casanova. Daddy has been really hurt and its why I told you to call 911" Just as I said that, paramedics came in with a couple police officers.

"What happened?" One of the officers asked as the paramedics went over to Jason right away. I stood up straight and looked at the police officer.

"The kids called me and told me that their father had sauce and ketchup on him and that he was naked. That seemed weird until I realized that those two things were red and liquid. I told them to call 911 until I got here and they just did" I explained.

"And the kids were only with their father?"

"Their mother was supposed to be here because I was here just a few hours prior and she was here" The officer nodded and jotted down what I was telling him until one of the police officers that were inspecting Jason came over.

"The patient was stabbed multiple times in the chest and stomach and he had a condom on. Seems like it was an act of rage. Could've been a prostitute that he refused to pay" At that point I could feel my blood boiling up.

"It was no prostitute. Jason's wife was here before I left. He was getting divorced because he wanted to move on. He didn't want to be with her anymore and she was becoming an alcoholic. Jason ---She put him a condition to give him the divorce I guess this was it. She wanted to have a last time with him so she could do this" I explained as my eyes watered. Another police officer walked over and looked at the two other.

"The condom was broken at the tip. A really tiny hole was discovered and even though it was really small, sperm could have still went through it. This could be a set up"

"It is!" I exclaimed not caring about anything at the moment. Jason was hurt and I was getting that bitch for doing that to him in the first place.

"The condom is does not have dried sperm, although it does have dried precum" One of them explained making me cringe. After a few other exchanged words, Jason was being wheeled away as the kids hugged my legs and the police officers left as well. Leaning down to their height, I smiled tightly at them.

"I am going with Jason, you stay here with the kids and you can head over in the morning" Tyrus said as he came over once the police and paramedics left.

"What's wrong with daddy?" Jaylene asked making me sigh heavily.

"Well, sweetcheeks, daddy is going to be alright as long as we keep him in our prayers"

"I'd rather keep daddy with me instead of my prayers" I chuckled involuntarily as I shook my head.

"But if you keep him in your prayers, he will be with you"


"Look, babies, let's get you to bed and tomorrow we can go see daddy, yeah?" They nodded and took my hand as I took them to their respective bedrooms.

As soon as I put them to bed, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Getting myself a glass of water, I walked back to the living room. I took a sip of the glass before taking my phone out of my pocket. Dialing Tyrus' phone number, I waited for him to pick up.

"What do you want from my life?" He asked right away making me roll my eyes.

"Why are you being so rude? I just want to know how my boyfriend is doing?" I said making him groan on the other side. Well, excuse me for caring about my injured boyfriend.

"Its like three A.M right now, Justin, so don't come at me about being rude. I need sleep" I sighed heavily knowing that he was right.

"Have you known anything about Jason's condition just yet?" I asked after a second of silence.

"He will be fine. Apparently the knife only penetrated his skin but didn't damage any organ. He will need time to recover though and most likely will wake up by the time you get here with the kids"

"Gosh, this is such a relieve" I said as I fell down on the couch.

"Yeah, yeah. I thought you knew your boyfriend. That guy is only muscles. By the time you get to his organs you will be arms deep" I chuckled before saying my last goodbye to him. Locking the phone, I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes with a smile painted on my face.

I'm just glad Jason is going to make it.


Short, boring chapter. I know. At least you know Jason is not going to die. Right now I'm the one dying.

I'm going to my first class in college tomorrow... But it ain't that bad right? Its just a step closer to me being rich and having a life of my own, right?

Nevertheless... WISH ME LUCK, PLEASE!

I love you all.

~ Eli

An Unexpected Home Wrecker {BxB}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt