AUHW ~ Nine

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Justin P.O.V

I only stared with wide eyes at the scene in front of me. The music was still blasting loudly as the people danced to it, but the section where I was, was only chaos.

The guy that was grabbing my arm started cursing at Jason while Jason only retorted and insulted the guy over the music. All Tyrus and I did was watch. I mean... Not like I started the fight.

But Jason is defending you, idiot. My conscience screamed at me. I flinched inwardly and stepped forward.

"Jason, let's just go. He let go of my arm already" I said touching his bicep.

"No, Justin. I will not let anyone disrespect you like that" He said making me glare. What is he doing? Making me feel safe for a night and then what? He goes off to his family and someone else is going to want to take advantage of me.

"What is it to you? Just leave it" I said at last.

"I won't let it happen. Get it through your thick skull" I was about to retort when that guy punched him in the face.

I gasped and stepped back out of shock. Jason stumbled back and grabbed his jaw.

"You did not just do that" Jason mumbled and that's when I noticed the music stopped and everybody was looking. Great. Now Jason is going to make headlines about defending a prostitute.

Without any other word, Jason grabbed the guy by the hair and smashed his face against the counter of the bar. My hands flew go my mouth as I gasped. Holy shit.

Turning the guy around, Jason hit the guy with a right hook on the face making his face turn the other way. People were chanting for Jason as Jason kept beating the life out of the guy.

"Jason" I called after a while but to no use seeming as the guy took the upper hand and started punching Jason's oh so handsome face. Jason could wrap his hand against the guy's neck but he was still punching Jason.

Where the fuck is security when you need them?

By now Jason's face was all bruised up and the guy needed plastic surgery. Jason pushed the guy off of him making him fall to the ground as he got on top and straddle him before starting to punch anywhere he could reach.

"You" Punch "Do" Punch "Not" Punch "Disrespect" Punch "Anyone" Punch "Like" Punch "That" Punch "You dirty bastard. Yellow teeth prick. Fucking rapist" Punch, punch, punch.

I did not want to be in that guy's place right now. Suddenly three hulks came our way and started separating Jason from the guy. Thank fuck, it was about time.

"He stays, he gets out" Tyrus said. The guy looked at Jason and glared at him forcefully.

"I will destroy you, you bastard" He said trying to get out of the security grasp.

"Yeah? I will be waiting for you along with my group of lawyers" Oh shit. He looked so, dare I say it, hot talking like that "Still up to pay me a visit?" He asked.

Security took the guy out as the music came back and everybody started dancing again. Wow, like nothing ever happened. I guess people only are noisy until the show is over then they are all the 'that's none of my business' type.

"Hey" I looked up and Jason was in front of me. Smiling... Fucking smiling.

"Are you insane? Forget insane, you're out of your mind! Why would you do that? What will your wife think? Your kids will think a fucking lion attacked you. What were you thinking?!" I screamed against the music.

"I was thinking about protecting you" He said as if it was nothing.

"Protecting me? Jason, you're only going to protect me for a night from someone who wanted to take advantages. What about all the other nights when someone wants to have their ways with me? Where will you be?"

"I will be right here because I will not let anyone have their ways with you" He said looking at me in the eyes.

"And why the heck not?" I questioned. He looked at me for a second or two before shrugging.

"Because I said so" He said as he rubbed his face until his hands touched his bruises and his hissed.

"Let me fix that. Come" He nodded and followed me.

Jason P.O.V

"Ouch" I hissed as Justin put alcohol on my bruised face. Shit, that stings "Ouch, Justin. For fucks sake. Be gentle" I said putting my face away from the cotton with alcohol.

"I couldn't be more gentle. You stop being a baby" He said standing close in front of me and attending my face.

"I am not being a baby" I huffed.

"Oh, look at me, a business man, being all whiny because Justin is putting alcohol on my bruised face after I decided to act like a cannibal" He mimicked in a high pitched voice.

"I do not sound like that" I said looking at him. But I wasn't looking at him. I was looking all over his face.

"I do not sound like that" He said in the same voice. That's it. I grabbed his hand and pushed him on top of me making him gasp.

"Jason, you fucking idiot" He said as he tried to get off of me but I pressed him harder against me.

"Will you stop cursing?" He asked.

"Will you stop being a dumbass?" He retorted.

"Touché" I mumbled as I stared up at him. He stared back at, stopping all struggle to get off of me.

"You're being stupid" He whispered.

"Can we?" I asked.

"Can we what?" He questioned.

"Keep each other's company?" I mumbled looking at his lips.

"Maybe we" He said.

"Maybe we what?" I asked.

"Maybe we can keep each other's company" His face as getting closer to mine.

"Let's set each other's lonely night, be each other's paradise" I whispered, leaning in slowly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. His breath fanning my face.

"I don't know. But it feels like I'm talking about something I want. Something I desire"

"Jason.. What are you--" He trailed off.

"Just wanna have a conversation, forget about the obligations, maybe we can stay in touch, but that ain't doing too much" I said and our lips were brushing against each other by now.

"Jason, I don't know-- think this conversation is going anywhere just... Tell me what you wanna drink. I tell you what I got in mind" He said lowly.

"Your lips and I bet that's what you got in mind" I said before smashing my lips against his.

I was finally kissing a boy... And I liked it.


This is... *cries* but.. Did you notice what I did? If you did you give dedication to purpose *squeals*

I love you all, thank you for the support.

~ Eli

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