Chapter II

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"Alright alright, I've understood now, okay !" Jimin rolled his eyes for the hundredth time. She corrected him again.

"Freaking hell, I said I've understood what to do !" Jimin hissed.

Jimin was in a highly irritated state. He was surprised that he was even alive at this point. She kept nagging him to work harder, but guess what ? He already freaking was. Yet, apparently it was not enough and so she had the nerve to go and complain to his dad. Upon asking, she would say, 'I told him so that you wouldn't take me lightly and work harder. It was for your own benefit.' Rubbish. She was so annoying, if your were to ask for Jimin's opinion, she was not even a good teacher. Jimin glanced back at the paper in front of him. He had solved the question thrice already and she had made him do it again. 'This is torture.' Jimin thought.

Jimin did the entire thing one more time and handed it to his teacher. She looked at it with squinty eyes and there was that look on her face, again. Jimin knew, very well, what that look was. It was the look where if she were to find another simple mistake, then she would ask him to do the entire thing all over again, from the start. She was about to open her mouth to say something, but before she could, Jimin  held his hand up to make her stop.

"I made a mistake again, didn't I ? And as usual you are right and I am wrong. Poor student who isn't working hard and showing no signs of improvement."

Though Jimin said it monotonously, there was a constant frustration bubbling inside of him. He masked it up well and looked up at her with an expressionless face. She looked a bit taken aback for a moment before opening her mouth to speak.

"Well, atleast you got most of it correct."

'That's enough' Jimin thought and threw away all the scattered pages lying on his desk to the ground while muttering something under his breath. He groaned at her and slumped back on his chair, waving his hand motioning for her to leave him alone.

"Young man, I have had enough of this attitude of yours. You don't treat me with respect, you don't pay attention to half of what I teach you. Even right now you're probably not listening to me. Is this how you treat your teacher ?"

"You're probably the worst teacher I've ever had."

"You ! I've been so patient with you and put up with you for so long and this is what I get in return."

"Oh please, the reason you 'put up with me' for so long is not because you're so devoted to your job. The main reason is the big fat check that you receive at the end of every week for doing nothing but sitting there and making me write the same stuff over and over again."

"Enough !" She yelled.

'Wow !' Jimin thought. 'She doesn't usually scream. I guess I hit at the right place.'

He looked at her in both surprise and shock. Jimin could see that her eyes were tearing up and he suddenly felt bad. Well... she shouldn't have taken the job if she wasn't ready for what was to come. She should have known it was going to be this hard, she had been warned well. But no, she did not listen. She was just behind the money. She stopped talking, or yelling, breathing hard and glaring at Jimin, waiting for his response. Jimin just shrugged, turning his chair around looking away from her and placed both his feet on the desk, leaning back on his chair preparing to take a nap.

"Okay. That's it. I QUIT."

She said before packing all her things and heading outside the study. As soon as she exited the room, Jimin could hear hurried footsteps jogging towards the study and undoubtedly it was none other than his butler standing at the door with a funny look on his face. Jimin just smiled at him and shrugged.

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