What's Going On?

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The voice sounded familiar.


Could it be? No... impossible.

I opened my eyes. I was lying in Keith's dads room.

Monika was next to me.

She was looking at me with a a smile. She looked healthy and happy. Her eyes were bright and her skin wasn't pale.

"Monika. You're... you're better?"

She giggled. "Better than ever!"

Oh my god, could this really be happening? Monika was here, and she was healthy.

"I can't believe it, you're alive. alive!" I hugged her. "I'm so glad you're back. What happened?"

"Let's not talk about it. Right now, let's just spend time together."

I didn't say anything. I just hugged her tighter. Monika was back, I couldn't believe it. I was still curious as to how it happened, but I didn't think too much of it. Monika was back, and that was all the mattered.

"Monika, I love you."

"I love you too, Danny."

I felt like I wanted to cry tears of joy, but my body wouldn't let me cry at all. I was probably too happy.

Suddenly Keith burst through the door.

"Danny, I need your help."

I got up and looked at him. "Yeah Keith what's up?"

Odin suddenly burst in. "Danny, I need help with something."

"Uh yeah, what's up Odin?"

When did her get here?

Robbie suddenly came in. "Danny, buddy I need help."

"Uh, sure. What's up?"

Maegan suddenly came in? "Danny, I need help."

Where were they all coming from? What did they need?

Cain suddenly came in. "Danny, dude, I need your help."

"Alright guys, hold on, I'll make time for all of you."

They all started shouting. I couldn't understand any of them for a little while until they all started shouting Danny over and over.

Keith, Odin, Robbie, Maegan, Cain, and even Monika, kept shouting my name. They sounded pretty angry, although I wasn't sure why.

"Alright guys, let's calm down."

They didn't listen, they just continued to shout.









Suddenly, only one voice stood out. They weren't shouting.



I suddenly felt like I was in control again. It was like my eyes were opening again for the first time. I saw Keith standing over me.

"Hey Danny, wake up."

I slowly sat up and looked around. I was in Keith's room.

"Where is everyone?"

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