Chapter 19-Two to go...

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Michael's POV

I jolted upright as all my sences came back to me.

I was surrounded my humans. My sister was lying on the floor, i could sense that she was healing herself by the sound of her heart.

Darius was doing the same on my other side. So who had healed me?

I looked behind me to see Storm. One of Legacy's best friends.

"Strom?!" I gasped.

"Hello Michael, long time no see." She smiled.

"Agreed, its been a hell of a long time." I smiled back at her.

"Yes. Yes it has." She gave out a small laugh.

"Are they healing ok?" I asked after a while of quiet.

"I think so, nothings changed since i last checked them so i'm assuming so." Storm replied.

I nodded in responce.

"With four Angels in the house, does anyone else feel... pointless?" CC asked.

"Kinda." Jinxx replied and Sammi spread her arms for a hug.

"No your not." I heard her whisper.

Storm's POV

I smiled as i watched Sammi and Jinxx hug.

I wanted someone who treated me like they treated each other. But then i looked at my wings and saw that i had no chance with anyone on Earth, and everyone in heaven is stuck up, but kind hearted, and everyone in hell is just plain rude!

I noticed Ashley looking at me whilst i watched Jinxx and Sammi.

"Would you like something Ashley?" I asked, looking at him.

"From a girl? The usual." Andy laughed.

I looked at him confused, and then i got it. The player.

"Hmmm, i'd better watch myself then." I stated blankly.

"That would be the wise thing to do..." Jinxx chuckled.

I nodded and i saw Ashley give me a small pout. Now i look at him properly, he is quite hot. I never seem to notice that in anyone.  He wasnt rude, or stuck up, kind hearted, always means well, but has a bad reputation. More good in him than bad? There goes the debate in my head -_-

"Storm? Strom!" Ashley said and snapped his fingers infront of my face.

"Huh? What?" I said, snapping out of my trance about the bass player.

"Are you ok? Is it nice in your world, you seem to be there a lot since you got here." He chuckled.

"Like a paradise." I smiled proudly.

"Ouch." I heard Michael say and i looked round to see him sucking on his finger.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"I cut my finger on the glass, cant we clean this place up?" He replied.

"Wait till Legacy's awake, it'll be quicker. And less expensive for Christian." I replied.

"What d'you mean less expensive?" Christian asked.

"She can put the glass back together and in its rightful place, its rather clever actually." I smiled.

"Awesome!" Ashley grinned widely, causing me to do the same.

I couldnt be warming to Ashley could i? As in, liking him? Like i wanted to be a couple? I couldnt. he was... a player as the humans put it.

I wish i could read minds like Legacy, it must be so useful!

I kept watching Ashley, trying to figure out what he was thinking. But his expression was blank. He was just staring at the floor in his own little world, then i thought about the ring.

"Michael." I whispered.

"Yes Storm?" He replied.

"Can i borrow the ring for a moment please?" I asked him.

"Of course." He smiled and took it off. "Here."

I slipped on the ring and swiftly walked over to Ashley.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Keep still Ashley." I smiled slightly.

He nodded a little and i put my hand on his forehead and thought of reading his mind.

My thoughts were almost instantly clouded by all of his. How he felt sex deprived -_- and then how he hoped that Legacy and Darius are ok, then something else appeared. It was an emotion that he rarely felt.


Pictures of when i first met them all filled his mind and when i flew down to help them a few hours before all of this. I let go in shock and took long, steady, deep breaths. I couldn’t believe it.


Little loving Drummer Boy - A Black veil Brides fan fiction (Christian Coma)Where stories live. Discover now