Chapter 4-Black Hearts of Chrome and Battle Scars

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Legacy's POV

I couldnt tell him about the war. CC could tell i had had a shit life, but i couldnt tell him about that... not yet anyway.

"Remember when i told you about my mom?" I asked him. He looked at me with pained eyes and nodded. "She wasnt my mom, and he isnt my dad. But hear me out. They were my gaurdians. My mother figure was human, but she knew about me and what i could do. My father figure took ad-advantage of my power, used them for his own selfish needs. My mom was loving and caring towards me, always showing me the respect she told me i deserved, just like a mother would do to her child. You need to know that, just in case."

"In case of what baby?" He asked, holding my hands in his and resting them on his knees.

"You'll know if the time ever comes." I said in monotone.

He nodded once and i looked at him with pain, deep set into my eyes. He knew that i was serious.

I sent him a mind message. "Dont worry yourself over this CC."

He laughed a little. "Thats pretty cool."

"You can talk back, just say something in your mind and i will hear it." I smiled at him.

"Ok." He replied in his mind.

"I heard that." I smiled again.

"This is so cool!" Ash said, and i noticed everyone was watching us.

"What did he say?" Andy asked.

"I only said ok." CC replied.

"What did you say before?" Andy asked me this time.

"I said that he should'nt worry himself." I replied.

"So your dad killed your mom?" Jinxx asked carefully.

I nodded slowly. Remembering that night.

"that must have been hard for you. Plus having no where else to go." He replied.

"I'm surprised he didnt take me with him so he could still use me for my gift." I responded.

"Do you know why he didnt?" Jake asked.

"Probably so i could find my mom. But now he's back, it me that he'll be back for." I looked at my hands which were still entwinded with CC's. "For my power."

"It's ok, your safe with us." Ashley smiled.

I shook my head.

"Your not safe with me." I replied.

"I dont care. I want to be able to keep you safe." CC protested.

"I can keep myself a whol lot safer if i dont have five toher lives to prtect as well as my own." I said bluntly. "I love you CC, this is how i'm going to proove it."

I released my hands from his and got up. But CC grabbed my arm. I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Let me go CC." I begged. "What i'm doing is only for your own good. It's only because i love you CC."

A/N: Casually quoting the play 'Blood Brothers' in what has just been said. It's my line so why not?! :)

"I need to be with you Legacy. I havent known you that long, but it feels like i've known you my whole life. Please. Stay. Or let us go with you." CC was the one begging now, i could tell by what he was thinking that he was serious about what he was saying.

"I dont want any of you to get hurt. For all we know, you could end up like my mom, and i couldnt live with that!" I shouted. It was harsh, but it needed to be said.

CC was atken a back by what i said to i lstened to his thoughts.

"How could she be doing this to me?! I tell her i love her and she runs away from me."

"CC i'm not running away from you!" I argued and the rest of BVB looked at me kinda wierd.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HEAD LEGACY!" He yelled and stormed off to his bunk.

"CC!" I called after him, but ther was no answer. I just broke down in tears.

I sent him a mind message.

"CC, hear me out! 'm only doing this because i love you and i dont want you to get hurt.

"You sent him a mind message?" JInxx asked. I nodded.

Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was from CC.

I know you think your doing this for my own safety, but i want to be there for you - ccbvb

I text him back.

You wont be keeping me safe, you'd be putting all of us in danger, i know my gaurdian better than you do. I've learnt never to under-estimate him. So thats why i'm not taking you with me. Otherwise i would i swear! - XxOnceuponaLegacyxX

It wasnt long before he texted back.

Fine. Do what you want. Good bye Legacy - ccbvb

CC! Please listen to me! - XxOnceuponaLegacyxX

No reply after 10 minutes.

"So are you gunna leave?" Jake asked.

I nodded. "I cant be so selfish as to put your lives at risk anymore. I have to go." More tears fell from my eyes. They nodded and i walked away. Never to see them again...

Little loving Drummer Boy - A Black veil Brides fan fiction (Christian Coma)Where stories live. Discover now