Chapter 10: Benny, Taco's and a 1970 ford mustang

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Chapter 10:

I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and a green tank top that tied together at the back of the neck.

After putting on my converses and some hot pink lip stick I walked down the hall.

I had put my hair in a high ponytail so it wasn’t as obvious that it was wet.

I made my way down stairs and my mother smiled at me.

I guessed that my father had told my mother where I was going because she didn’t ask why I was dressed up.

“You look beautiful.” My mother said.

“Thanks mom.” I said as my father came around the corner and smiled at me.

He reached out for a hug and whispered in my ear.

“Remember what I told you.”

I chuckled and rolled my eyes a little.

The doorbell rang and I casually walked to it.

I tucked a stray hair that had fallen down behind my ear before opening the door.

“Hi, Nadine, wow you look beautiful.” He said as I smiled.

He looked so cute he was wearing a baseball cap, a purple tee shirt and jeans; he was also wearing white Nikes.

 I stared at him for a moment and my eyes got huge and I slammed the door in his face.

I couldn’t let my parents see him; they’d know that he was the guy from the doctor’s office.

 “I want to meet him first before you go.” My father said as my mother nodded.

“It’s not a date, so why do you have to meet him?” I asked crossing my arms.

“I want to meet the person that’s going to be giving my daughter a ride.” My father said.

“He’s, he’s shy!” I said standing in front of the door

“Hey you guys I saw something outside.” I screamed pointing into the living room.

They ran over into the living room and looked out the living room window.

I opened the front door a crack and looked at Mason.

“You slammed the door and it hit my node.” He said holding his nose.

“Sorry, pull your hat down as much as you can, don’t let them see your face.” I whispered quickly.

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