Chapter 22: Clark

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I'm such an impatient person i just couldn't wait to  post this! LOLZ Enjoy

Chapter 22:

“What took you so long Nadine? You are an hour past curfew. I called and you didn’t answer what were you two doing?” My father asked angrily.

“Mr. Morgan, Nadine and I did nothing together.” Mason said.

“What’s that on your face?” My father asked Mason shining the flashlight at his face.

“Um, just uh.” Mason started but didn’t continue.

“Well?” My father said in a growl.

“It’s lipstick Sir.” Mason answered embarrassed.

“You wear lipstick?” My father yelled.

“No, Sir.” Mason answered looking the other way.

“HEY! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” My father screamed at Mason.

“What are you talking about Sir?” Mason asked.

“You’re that guy from the doctors’ office the other day.” My father said.

“Dad, he’s a teenager like me, he’s not too old.” I said.

“Be quiet Nadine, of course he is. I am VERY disappointed in you.” My father growled.

I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed my chilly body.

He had a reason to be disappointed in me.

He had a reason to be mad.

“What are you wearing? Get upstairs and put some clothes on.” My father yelled.

“What’s your last name?” My father asked him angrily.

“Clark Sir.” Mason answered gulping.

“You just got yourself real deep into trouble, get the h*** off my property.” My father yelled.

Why did Mason lie? His last name wasn’t Clark, it was Campbell.

 I ran inside with teary eyes and went up to my room.

I put a robe on and tied it over my clothes.

Sitting on my bed I hugged my knees and cried.

I heard my father coming upstairs; he busted through the door and stomped over to me.

I rose my head up to look him in the eye and he slapped me right across my face.

My eyes widened. He had never hit me before, not even when I was younger I was put in the corner if I did something bad.

Although it wasn’t that hard it did sting a lot.

“How dare you go against what I said and go on a date with that MAN!” My father said. “Wearing that outfit too! I know what you guys did; you were gone way to long! What do you have to say for yourself?” He added angrily.

“I wanted to admit, I am very ashamed, dad, we didn’t do anything though, we almost did and I remembered you told me that if I slept with someone it could cause a pregnancy that would ruin my whole career.” I said starting to cry.

I was holding my burning cheek.

“You are not allowed to see him ever again!” My father said angrily. “You are also grounded for 3 weeks.”

“Daddy please, he loves me.” I said crying.

I didn’t care that he was grounding me from going places I just didn’t want to be banned from seeing Mason again.

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