Chapter 4: Bloody Delusions

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Chapter 4:

All of a sudden something wet hit my cheek and I turned over and looked at the ceiling which was also dripping with blood.

After running downstairs, there was blood everywhere, and on my clothes because I had to swim in it to get to the front door.

I tried to open the front door but all the blood was just too heavy it was holding it back, so I decided to climb out a window, in the living room.

Swimming into the living room I pulled the window open.

I climbed out and ran to the front of the house screaming as blood poured out of all the windows.

“Help us!” I heard my mother and father yell.

“I can’t! I can’t!” I screamed.

“Somebody help me! PLEASE?!?!?” I yelled.

“Are you alright? What’s wrong young lady?” A woman’s voice said as a cold hand touched my shoulder.

I turned around breathing heavily and crying uncontrollably.

It was Mrs. Carlton, my next door neighbor.

“There’s- too- much- blood. Help them.” I said before my face made contact with the wet grass.

“Somebody help, there’s something wrong with this girl!” That was the last thing I remember hearing.

My eyes snapped open when I realized where I was, I was in my room.

I started screaming and trying to get up from my bed but a hand pulled me back.

“Hunny, Sweetie it’s me, your mom, are you alright?” My mother asked stroking my sweaty forehead.

“There- was blood everywhere, and- and you guys- were stuck.” I said crying into my mother’s lap.

 “Mom, mom there’s blood, in the kitchen; the kitchen sink doesn’t have water in it, its blood.” I cried. “That’s why that cup was broken, it was because I was going to drink out of it but I saw blood instead of water.”

“Hunny, when I went downstairs and saw the broken cup on the floor water was spilt. It wasn’t even that much, so if there really was blood in that cup then I would’ve seen it. ” My mother said.

My father patted my back attempting to comfort me as I cried all over my mother’s beautiful silky floor length night gown.

“Nadine.” I heard a voice say but I just kept crying.

“Nadine, hunny, it was a delusion.” My father reassured me.

“That’s one of the symptoms we’re supposed to look out for.” My mother added.

“No, no, it felt so real. It wasn’t a delusion, blood was everywhere.”  I cried.

“Nadine, sweetie do you see any blood now?” My father asked me looking quite concerned.

“No.” I answered wiping my tears away and sniffling.

“We are right here aren’t we?” My father asked pointing at him and my mother.

I nodded.

“Then it’s alright.” My mother reassured me.

“Ok.” I whispered lying my head back down on my pillow.

“It just felt so real.” I said closing my eyes.

My father left the room as my mother spoke and came back with two chairs.

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