Saving The Last Dance For You

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Trailer for this book is in the description

Dedication to Lisa_JM28 for the trailer, thanks :) sorry it took so long to do this

Chapter 1:

It was about 11 in the morning on Wednesday.  I was sitting in my usual seat right in the middle of the history classroom, when I started to feel very dizzy. The room swirled around me and my head began hurting really bad.

I raised my right hand up weakly, looking at the teachers' hazy figure.

"Yes Ms. Morgan?" The teacher; Ms. Ivory said, pointing at me with her long finger.

"May I use the restroom?" I asked clutching my stomach.

"Are you ok Ms. Morgan?" The teacher asked looking quite concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright just a bit dizzy, and my head hurts." I answered.

"Would you like me to walk you to the bathroom?" She asked furrowing her arched eyebrows down.

"No, I'm fine." I said getting up from my seat.

I really did need help but I didn't want to be called a teacher's pet, I was already made fun of enough. I was sort of a nerd.

I didn't wear glasses or have braces but I had shoulder length strawberry blonde hair that was always straightened and blue eyes. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup so that made me an outcast. , In addition I was really smart, so that made me appear a nerd to all the kids in my school.Adding to my problems I was an only child; I really wanted a baby brother but my mom just didn't get pregnant again after she had me.

I stared down at the cold linoleum floor; the colorful tiles seemed to be spinning beneath my feet.  

Suddenly I began to fall. It seemed as if everything went in slow motion at that moment. My teacher ran forward, several peers of mine gasped then suddenly it all ended as my head connected with the floor. I didn't have time to register the pain because instantly my world clouded with black.

When I opened my eyes again my head was swimming and I slowly looked around the room. My head felt so heavy it was like I could barely move it where I wanted it to go. Looking down and seeing the bed I was lying in; and a warm, light blue blanket covering my cold bony legs I immediately knew I was in a hospital room. Also judging on how dark it was outside it was at least 7 or 8 at night.

On the left of me was a small wooden table with a beautiful bouquet of white and red roses and my dad sleeping in a red square chair with his head laid to the side lying on his arm.

I looked to my right to see my mother in an identical chair as the one my dad was sitting in. She was reading some sort of papers,I think one of the doctors at the hospital gave it to her and she was supposed to fill it out because she had a pen in her right hand. After watching her writing some stuff down for a moment or two I looked away from her and I saw a cardiac monitor sitting next to her.

My mother gasped when she realized I was awake.

"Don! Wake up hunny, Nadine's awake." My mother yelled across the room.

My dad's head snapped up and he quickly wiped drool off his cheek.

"What hunny?" He asked gulping.

"Nadine's awake." She repeated smiling and patting my knee.

"Oh, hey baby, how you feeling?" He asked me looking concerned.

"My head hurts." I said touching my head and cringing at the pain my hand inflicted.

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