The beginning.

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Olivia Parker's POV.

Sometimes life sucks. Like really, really sucks. Especially just when you thought everything was finally going right, life just kicks you in the teeth and drags you back down to hell.

Sorry, I know I'm such a pessimist. I still say to this day that it isn't my fault, that the world has just had a shitty experience with me. But the truth is, I don't like most people.
I hate small talk and people consistently moaning about their problems that nobody really cares about, yet we pretend to. In order to relate to them.

I just feel like there's just more to life, more than what people claim, yet something we just can't open our eyes to see.


The only people I do truly like in this wild universe are my little brother Archie Parker, sometimes my best friend Ruby Wickingson (when she is not acting like Queen Bee) and my old Labrador Carter. (Yes, he is a person in my eyes.)

Ruby and I met when we were young, I never liked her to be honest. She was loud, too confident and had a weird obsession with fake glasses. She's slightly taller than me, with long blonde hair and bright brown eyes. Ruby always had all the right answers in school, had all her homework completed and completely correct. She knew what to do for every situation. Our friendship didn't begin until one day, when this "mean girl" in our school called Annie came up to me and began laughing at my new, red glasses. I just stood there on the spot, as Annie was very intimidating. I had a lot on my mind back then, and didn't know how to stick up for myself in front of a large number of people. I didn't need to worry though, as Ruby was by my side as quick as a light, punching Annie's smug face viciously. Now, I don't know whether Ruby did that because she wanted to do the right thing, or because her love for glasses was unusual.

Anyways, I let her try on my glasses that day. We've been kind of inseparable since. Ruby is twenty-one now. And not obsessed with glasses may I add.

But halfway through high school, she dramatically changed for the worse.

Personality wise, of course. After her parents' divorce, she became obsessed with her looks and reputation. She dyed her hair blonde, lost a few pounds and started wearing contacts. Ruby decided she wanted to sit with the 'popular' girls and became fascinated with dating too many jocks. We still hung out, though not as much as we used to. Just never in school and never in public.

My little brother Archie is eight years old, he likes MineCraft, pancakes and soccer. The kid is quite tall, with a cheeky grin wherever we go. He has brown hair and bright blue eyes. It's been me and him for a long while now. But our family history is for another day.

I'm twenty-one years of age and trying my absolute best to get by for us both.

You see, Archie and I currently live in a tiny apartment with tiny windows and crowded halls in Manhattan, NYC. The city I've always loved. From it's crowded streets to unpleasant but strong accents. Unfortunately, we won't be here much longer as we have to move.

Archie has Lymphoma stage two, a type of cancer that he has been fighting for two years now. According to his Doctor, Archie's medication isn't working as well as we all hoped.

He recommended we move to Forks,in the state of Washington. Yes, the town is small. According to our NYC Doctor Lennion, they have a great pediatric unit where Archie can receive new surgery and a new form of chemotherapy, that we can "try out." Meaning, my little brother has no other hope. His cancer is too rare and only four-percent of all cancer research goes towards children like him. I'm continuing to remain hopeful. For Archie it's the least I can do.

He lost his hair a little while ago, that really took a tole on him. Badly. The bullying was so bad, I gave in and pulled him out of public school altogether. I tried my best to homeschool him when I wasn't working or when he wasn't too sick.
I always try my best, but sometimes, even that's not good enough.

Finally, we got packed up from our small apartment and I was able to find the money to rent a two-bedroom house in Forks. The place isn't even on the map, hence why the cost of renting is so cheap compared to New York. I did my research on this deserted area, it's constantly raining or cloudy. Barely any people live there. Our new home is next door to the chief of the Police Department called Charlie, I mean at least we will be somewhat safe. I landed a job as a school teacher for the children at the hospital, at least I'll be able to teach Archie while I'm working.

But I'll do anything to save Archie. Even if it means we have to move to this small-town place. (Named after utensils!)

Even if it means dragging him across America.

Even if it means leaving my very small number of "friends" in NYC.

Even if it means leaving the familiarity of NYC.

Even if it means Archie is now under the care of an apparently very skilled doctor,
called Carlisle Cullen.

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