I stand up to wrap the towel around my body and step out of the shower. Immediately as I step out Mads places his hands on me. feel the tile become slippery but I wasn't worried about slipping due to Mads's grip on my hips. I make my way back to the room and begin shuffling through my clothes finding a pair of dark purple satin panties and a black bra, I truly didn't care about matching my underwear.

After slipping on the underwear I look for leggings and then find a faded cream colored tank top. I toss my wet hair in a messy bun and begin looking for my sandals.

"Why are we going?" I ask as I put on my birkenstocks.

Mads still watches me, his eyes moving with my body and his mind making notes of my movements.

"We are going because all of this... everything that has happened... we need a getaway or some form of vacation to ignore things for just a little bit."

I nod. "Are you okay?" I ask suddenly realizing I hadn't asked him that. I hadn't asked him how he felt about Rebecca or about his divorce, or even about this dog-sicking killer. He only gives me a vague nod causing me to go to him.

I wrap my arms around him. I feel his warmth envelope me. He is taken aback by this but still doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me. He gently caresses my back and leans his head down to kiss the top of my head.

"I love you," I tell him almost reassuring him that I still did.

He sighs with relief. "I love you so much, elsker, you have no idea."

After having a small meal of sorts - an apple and toasted bread with peanut butter - Mads and I left the inn. We made the afternoon boat ride, paying for our tickets at the booth and settling into the main hall. Our bags were at our feet as we sat in a booth by the window. Mads excused himself to go get us coffee, leaving me to my thoughts.

Mads had reassured me that we would be back by opening day of the inn, but I was still worried over the idea of leaving Kristi alone. She was stressing over the inn, wanting it to be perfect for Friday.

Mads came back a little over five minutes later with coffee, he mentioned that they were out of cream meaning he knew I wouldn't want one. I began to stare out the window but immediately Mads took my attention again as his hand grasped mine over the table.

"Lets talk about the wedding," he says with a slow smiling growing across his lips.

"Like..." I began to question.

"Like the honeymoon. I was thinking that we could go to Malta. It's a small island off the coast of Italy, its gorgeous there and I have only been there once."

I smile. "You've been thinking about our honeymoon?" I say in awe.

"Of course. I think about you all the time but sometimes, very rarely, I think of other things too."

I roll my eyes at his smooth talk.

With an idea in mind, I slide out of the booth and into his side of the booth. I cozy up next to him, pressing my body into his side. He moves his arms to wrap around me but I turn, curling my leg onto the seat so that I could face him.

His hand runs playfully down the side of by face, cupping my cheek in his palm.

"Have you... have you thought about..."

I couldn't believe I was doing this so publicly but I thought maybe he'd enjoy it. I moved closer to him, my lips barely grazing his ear.

"Have you thought about the things you get to do to me on our honeymoon?" I ask in a whisper as my hand latches onto his thigh. Mads nearly jumps in his seat and I realize that when I grabbed his thigh I also grabbed him.

ElskerWhere stories live. Discover now