8. Truth Hurts

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Mads can't seem to keep his hands off of me. As soon as we had enter the elevator he places his hands on my hips, navigating me against the wall. I hear the doors close with a ding. The sound is like an alarm to prepare for his upcoming assault.

His hands slipped up my dress, his lips sucking on my neck. I feel his nails dig into the back of my thighs prying my legs apart. I let out a moan, leaning back against the cool wall. One of my hands runs through his hair while the other holds onto his shoulder for support. His hands run up my thighs. His fingertips although cold leave a trail of fire, burning me straight to my core. I hiss with pleasure, his fingers drawing close to my center.

His lips collect up my neck to my jaw. He teases me by leaning into me to kiss but everytime I move into him he draws back.

My hair is a mess, strands fall over my eyes, I look like a sex crazed creature desperate for attention.

I feel his nails dig into the back of my thighs again, only this time he lifts me against his waist. I begin kissing his neck, as he carries me towards the elevator door. I hear the ding and the doors slide open to our front door.

Mads carries me effortlessly to the front door, I hear him enter the security code that unlocks the front door, allowing him to swing the door open.

We enter the bright foyer. The lights all over the loft were on and blinding.

"Did you leave the lights on?" I ask.

I was sure we'd turned off the lights before we left for dinner. I was sure because Mads always did that when we left the inn or when we'd left home.

Mads grows tense in the second that I ask that question. He slowly lets me down on my feet but not for a second does he release me from being pressed against him. He listens to his surroundings for a moment, slowly making distance between us. He takes a few steps towards the kitchen as if he has heard something. He holds up his hand to me, telling me to stay put but like always I never listened to him. The light from our room seems to call to me and as Mads stalks towards our kitchen, I answer that call.

I slowly opened the door, my heels imprinting themselves into the lush thick carpet. Our bed was a mess, the sheets have been yanked off and the pillows were in shreds, feathers laid in disaray on the floor. I begin to walk closer to the pile of shredded pillows, my heart beat picking up by the second. I feel my chest tighten, a lump in my throat formed as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. The feeling of fear, fight or flight kicks in. My body shakes as I turn around.


I can see the bottle before it hits me. Swinging my arm up to protect my face, I feel part of the thick bottle hit the corner of my forehead as the rest hits my forearm. I yelp as the surge of pain swarms through my head. I stumble back and fall onto the plush carpet.

A scream echos, one that is not mine.

"You worthless cunt!" The voice is female. The voice echos in my brain as if it were down a tunnel. The sound makes me shiver to my core.

I push myself off the ground and lunge for the door. My addrenaline bursting through my blood, keeping my heart beating so fast to keep me going so fast until I find myself in the foyer. My body hits the hard chest of Mads, a wave of relief floods me as his hands latch onto my arms.

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