16. Midnight Memories

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I was walking Rebecca through the trauma ward. Curtains seperated patient beds yet these beds were only used in case of a large emergency in which there was an overload of patients.

"When was the last time you used them?" She asks. "For a large emergency?"

I try to think. "Probably five years ago, there was a party going on on a large boat and there was an explosion. We had maybe twenty patients, four of which needed surgery. Usually we get three patients at a time when its off season like fall and spring. Winter and summer are the busiest times of the year so accidents tend to sky rocket.

She nods. "What is a common emergency here?"

I try to think again. Allergies? Wildfires? No animal attacks. Maybe...

"Chief, we got a car collision coming in. Female, age 22, with head trauma and a possible broken collar bone and wrist sprain," A nurse says as she places the phone down by the nurses station.

"Any more?" I ask.

"A male but he seems to only have whiplash. Reed and Christopher are bringing them in now."

I turn back to Rebecca whose furrowing her eyebrows in curiosity.

"Who is Reed and Christopher?" She asks.

"My nephews, they are the lead fireman and also EMTs," I explain.

"How many doctors do you have staffed for the ER?"

"Dr. Bedi and I. The other doctors are primary physicians who do their 24 hours per week in the ER. Today it is just me."

She turns her head to the side, curiosity is swarming her. She was very intelligent and obviously was interested in working here, enthusiasm accompanied every question.

"Could I help with the traumas today? Show you my skills?" She asks.

"As much as I would love to put them to the test, you are insured under another hospital and you don't have priviledges. But you are able you observe."

She smiles wide, her eyes gleaming with the opportunity.

The doors of the ambulance enterance shot open in that moment. I could hear Christopher yelling at Reed already.

"You tell him! I broke the bad news last time!" Reed yells back.

I wanted to strangle my nephews to no end, but this feeling was so common I ignored it and walked with Rebecca to meet them.

"Can't he just find out on his own?" Christopher nearly whines.

The gourney is taken behind a curtain before I see the patient. I decided to adress my nephews, calm them down before attending the patient since I cannot concentrate with their yelling.

"Will you two shut up, we have patients," I growl at them lowly.

"You're here... perfect," Christopher says annoyed almost.

"At least if he has a heart attack he is in a hospital," Reed comments.

Heart attack? My long overdue heart attack, the joke that is a constant.

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