14. Blind Faith

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The look of sheer terror on my fiance's face forces my nerves to be set ablaze. The sobs of Allison create a surging pain through my ears. I feel only her pain as her panic attack courses through her. Her repeated words made no sense to me but they did to her so I listened closely as she sobbed them.

After the long ride home, I carried her up to our room where she sobbed for hours. Her shaking body was in my arms, as we lay in bed. After what seemed life forever, the storm of her emotions calmed, she laid in bed with her eyes closed. She sniffled every no often with the remainder of her panic attack washing away.

I took this opportunity to take off her shoes and jacket. After she calmed down further I removed her jeans and shirt. I tucked her into the blanket and dissapeared for a minute to get her water. I had to convince her to sit up and take the water but it was worth it. The last thing she needed was to be dehydrated.

After refilling her glass of water and placing it on her bedside table, I took off my own clothes and settled into bed behind her. She turned once I settled under the covers wanting to face me. She curled into me with ease, her head againsy my chest. I couldn't help but run my hand through her tangled hair and press my lips against her forehead.

"Just sleep, baby, I got you," I said.

She relaxes in my hold, her body so small against my own. There is nothing more that I want in this world than this, what I have now. She is safe, relaxed, peaceful in my arms. No one can hurt her, no one can take her from me and for this I am at peace.

I try to sleep with this idea that no one, not even the man who sent her that questionable letter, can hurt her. I relax, pulling her closer and closer to me.

She is mine and only mine and soon it will be by law in which we are connected not to mention in the eyes of God. Our love proclaimed in rings and vows. Soon I'll be able to say "my wife."

I honestly couldn't wait.


I hear the sound of water, running its course against a surface, maybe a wall. I look around and find myself in bed alone. I reach out to where Allison once laid and find myself in a panic but only for a second.

The shower, you idiot.

I sit up and am hit with a head rush. I feel my body awaken, the blood running through me. I run my hand over my face and without another thought stand up from the bed.

I go directly for the bathroom, the door is unlocked as always. The room is heated like a sauna. As the mist clears, I see the form of my girl in the shower. Her body hazy from the foggy glass door of the shower. Even though I couldn't see her too well, I was growing hard by the second.

I slid my boxers down my legs, kicking them away and allowing my erection to spring free.

The things she does to me.

I open the shower door and find her running her hands through her hair. She is the definition of perfect. Her glorious figure, curves, stretch marks, blotches of discoloration, scars and all.

I step inside the shower behind her, the water barely hitting my skin. She turns around and sidebsteps to let me under the shower head. As the water runs over me, I run a hand through my hair, it sleecks back, straight and shaggy. I feel her hands run up my abdomen then back down.

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