"You stay in your side of the room and she stays on hers" Lauren's nurse said.

"Deal" Lauren said as she changed quickly to meet Camila in person.

"So, where would you go if you could leave??" Camila asked.

"The ocean" Lauren said.

"The ocean??" Camila said confused.

"Yeah, even though there's one 3 miles from here I've never seen the ocean, I've always wanted to, it feels like it was made for me" Lauren said. All Camila could do was smile. She stared at Lauren with deep love in her eyes. She was falling for a stranger. Lauren walked closer to Camila.

"Is this okay?" Camila asked worried for Lauren's health.

"Mmhmm" is all Lauren said as she got closer and closer until finally their lips met. Camila went to fight the urge of pulling away as she feared for Lauren's health. She was I trusted not to touch her but feeling Lauren's lips against her just felt right and she didn't want it to end.

The next day Lauren woke up with a fever and was sick a few times.

"You okay baby? Did you touch anything odd?" Her mother asked taking her temperature.

"No" is all Lauren said.

"103, we'll see in a few hours and see if it goes down" her mother added. Lauren just laid in silence not knowing what to say.
"Get some rest honey"

Laying there Lauren thought about the whole 18 years she had lived in this house and not once has she left it. She was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard screaming coming from outside, wearily she got out of her bed and saw Camila arguing with her dad. They were shouting at each other until Camila took a swing at her father and he swung right back causing her to fall on the floor. Lauren grabbed her dressing gown and ran for the door. She was finally outside but that wasn't her first thought. Her first thought was to make sure that Camila was okay.

"Camila are you okay?!" She said almost in tears.

"Lauren go back inside!!" Camila yelled fearing once more for Lauren's health.

"Lauren!! Lauren!!" Her mother yelled after her dragging her back inside.
"What were you thinking!!" She yelled.

"I needed to make sure she was okay!" Lauren worriedly yelled back.

"You risked yourself dying for a stranger!!" Her mother yelled back.
"Oh my goodness. She's not stranger" her mother added.

"She's just a friend online" Lauren said.

"No more" her mother said taking away her phone and her computer.

Lauren didn't know what to do. She ran to her window and saw Camila there. She wrote something on paper.
'Are you okay?'. Lauren nodded.
'Phone?' She wrote. Lauren shook her head.
'You sure you're okay?' She wrote again. Lauren nodded.

The next day Lauren had her phone and computer back. Her mother left for work and Lauren's phone rang.

"Hello it's this Lauren Jauregui?" The voice said.

"Yes this is she" Lauren replied.

"Hi it's Dr.Jackson, I was just calling to check up with you about your illness" she said.

"Yes my SCID is fine" Lauren said.

"SCID?? My dear it is impossible for you to have SCID, you wouldn't reacted far worse to things than you have been if you were diagnosed with SCID" the doctor replied.

"What are you saying? I don't have SCID?" Lauren asked confused.

"I'm strongly positive you do not have SCID, you have a weak immune system but that can be controlled with a few pills everyday" she said.

"Thank you" Lauren said shocked gaming up the phone. She searched through her mother's files on her, she needed proof that she hadn't wasted 18 years of her life believing a disease she didn't carry. Nothing. She found nothing.

She didn't bother waiting for her mother to get home. She packed a bag and ran over to Camila's.

"Lauren what are you doing!! Go back inside" Camila said.

"I'm not sick" Lauren said.

"You lied" Camila said.

"No, my mom did. I'm not sick, well I am but I'm not as sick as I thought, I have a weak immune system. She lied to me. It's time for me to live so are you coming?" Lauren said.

"Hold on" Camila said running inside before returning moments later with a rucksack.
"Let's go" Camila said jumping in the car.
"Where we going?" She added.

"The ocean" Lauren said. They drove the 3 miles until they reached the beach. After spending the whole day together they bought a hotel just down the road. Just to get away from everything. As they laid on the bed facing each other Camila stared right at Lauren.

"I love you" She blurted our.

"I loved you before I knew you"

So I finally watched Everything Everything and I was so inspired I just had to write a chapter based off it, it's not exactly the same plot but quite similar, I changed the ending to make it my own, but if you haven't watched the movie I highly recommend it, enjoy x

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