[1] Reunited - Stefan Salvatore

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Imagine: being reunited with all of your closest friends after 2 years and being Stefan's humanity trigger because you're his best friend, and something more.

My name is Y/N L/N and i've been in a magic induced coma for 2 years.

I grew up with my three best friends Caroline, Bonnie and Elena in a small town called Mystic Falls, which was also home to Stefan and Damon Salvatore, in which with them, came a bucket load of supernatural creatures.

During Niklaus' attempt to break the 'sun and moon curse' he injected me with poison to try to persuade my best friend Elena to cooperate, and to set an example to anybody else trying to stop him.

Yes, i guess you could say i was collateral damage.

All my friends searched and spent hours researching, desperately trying to find a cure, until Bonnie came up with an idea. She would send me to sleep, which would preserve my body and stop the poison killing me, like a supernatural pause button as she put it. Eventually, they managed to track down a powerful witch who came up with a cure.

*present day*


I felt this deep, heavy feeling begin to leave my body. I felt my eyelids become lighter, my limbs began to get feeling back in them. I managed to wiggle my fingers and toes. I began to feel...alive again. My eyes fluttered open and i turned my head to see my best friend Bonnie, sitting next to me on a bed, which i was laid on. "hello sleepy head" she said and smiled. I smiled back at her and sat up, she wrapped her arms around me and i chuckled as i hugged her tightly. "I've missed you so much!" she said and i smiled, she had tears rolling down her cheeks. "i've missed you too!" i said as i used my hand to wipe away her tears.

"Bonnie have you seen...." I gazed over to the door, in which i saw caroline walk through. "Y/N!" she said in shock, a smile forming on her face. "Care, long time no see" I said and Caroline rushed to me, embracing me in a tight hug. "Alright Caroline, you don't want to kill me now" i said as she didn't realise how tightly she was hugging me. "I can't believe you're here! i'm so happy" She said and chuckled, tears form in her eyes. "anyone would think you two have gone soft" i said and they both chuckled as i hugged them both. "i can't believe it! The squad is back together!" Caroline said happily and we all laughed. "how long was i out for?" i asked and Bonnie looked at Caroline. "Y/N...you've been out for 2 years" Caroline said. "wow, that's one hell of a power nap" i said and they both chuckled. "But don't worry about anything! We wrote everything down for you!" Caroline said. "Caroline i know you like lists and all but isn't that a little extreme?" i asked. "no no, we all kept a diary, to keep you up to date with everything, so that when you woke up, you could read it all and it would be like you'd never left" she said and i smiled. "You know i don't like reading" i said and they chuckled "you've only been back for 5 minuets and you're already complaining!" Bonnie and we all laughed.

"do i hear the voice of my best friend?" i heard Damon's voice and the sound of his shoes on the floor. "depends on who your best friend is" i replied and Caroline and Bonnie made a gap in the middle, where i stood up and saw Damon. My best friend. "Y/N" he said and smiled. I smiled widely before running up to him and hugging him tightly. "i've missed my partner in crime!" he said and hugged me tightly. "don't tell me, you kept a diary as well?" i asked and he chuckled. "only for you" he said and kissed my forehead. I was more of a younger sister to Damon, we'd always gotten along, even from day one. "everyone's downstairs, i called everyone here after Bonnie told me she was going to try and wake you up" he said and i chuckled. "Piggy back!" I said and he chuckled. "okay maybe i haven't missed this" he said and i chuckled as i jumped in his back and he vamp sped downstairs, Caroline and Bonnie following.

"stay here until i say so" he said and i nodded, staying just outside the main room. "Damon what the hell is this about?" i heard Stefan ask impatiently, what had Damon done to piss him off now? "I'm really busy with marking essays Damon this better be good" I heard Alaric, aka my 'adopted' father say, he wasn't really my adopted father, but we had that close of a relationship. My heart raced slightly faster thinking about seeing everyone again. "Damon?" i heard Elena say. "so today, i have gathered you all here" Damon started and i heard Tyler and Matt sigh, i could practically hear Stefan roll his eyes. "to witness the awakening off sleeping beauty" he said and i could feel the confusion oozing from everybody.

I walked out from behind the wall and i saw everybody. Elena, Alaric, Tyler, Matt, Jeremy, Caroline's mum Liz was even here. I smiled and everybody looked at me with shock and relief. My eyes landed on Stefan. He looked the most shaken up. Elena ran to me and hugged me tightly. We exchanged 'i missed you's'. As soon as she pulled away i saw Alaric. "i've missed you, Dad" i said and he chuckled before pulling me into a hug. "i've missed you too daughter" he said and i laughed, tearing up with how happy i was to see him again. He was the only father figure in my life. "now now, don't cry" he said and wiped away my tears. "i'm just so happy to see you" i said and he smiled fondly at me and pulled me back in for a hug. I soon hugged everybody else and was reunited with the most important people in my life.

It was only then when i saw Damon leaning against the doorway and watching. "Hey" i said as i joined him. "i should be the one to tell you" Damon said "tell me what?" i asked. "when you went to sleep, we spent weeks researching and finding a way to get you back, but as time went on and other problems rose up, it got pushed to the bottom of the pile, and we stopped looking for a year, but when Stefanie humanity was turned off, we started looking again, because we all knew deep down, you were the only person who could reach him" Damon said, looking guilty. "Damon, i completely understand, hey, life happens, but i understand" i said and put my hand on his cheek, he smiled. "now where is your stupid brother" i asked. "he left, when you walked out, he took off" he said and i nodded. "i'll be right back" i said and took off out the front door before anyone could protest.

I found myself walking down the dirt track down my the woods, along side the river toward mine and Stefan favourite place. If he was to go anywhere, he'd go here. As i got closer, i was suddenly flung through the air, a hand wrapped around my throat and i was pinned against a tree. I looked up and saw Stefan, but he was different. "Stefan!" i gasped for air. "whatever cruel joke you're playing, it's not working, i know you're not Y/N so drop the act before i rip your throat out" he growled. Genuine fear creeped upon my face, i had never been scared of him before but this was all a little too much. "Stefan, it's me!" i scrambled at his hands wrapped around my throat. "shut up!" he hissed, his eyes going red, fangs coming out. "hey, remember when we came up here after your brother killed Jeremy, and Elena didn't want anything to do with us, and-" i gasped for more air, kicking my legs "and we stole the left overs from the BBQ and...i lost my footing and fell into the river, and dragged you in with me" i stuttered and his grip softened, his fangs retracted and his eyes went back to normal. "and we both had to swim back to the shore, with soggy food and clothes. You said you'd never laughed so much" i said and smiled softly at him. "and you vowed that from that day on-" i said and he interrupted me "that you were the clumsiest person i'd ever met, but you were still my-" stefan said "best friend!" i gasped and suddenly he let go, i fell to the ground, clutching my neck and I looked up, Stefan dropped to the floor and closed his eyes. "One humanity switch cured" i mumbled as his eyes opened again. "Y/N! i'm so sorry" he said and i smiled, wrapping my arms around him "don't worry about it" i said. "i missed you so much" he said and i smiled fondly at him. "I missed you too, Stefanie" i said and he chuckled at the old nickname, wrapping his arms around me tighter.
"i love you" Stefan said, "i love you too" i said and smiled as i was relaxed by his smell and his touch. "no i mean, i really do" he said and i looked up at him. A smile crept onto my face "and i mean, i love you too" i said and he lent down and left a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed him back, softly, but in complete bliss.

I'd always felt something for Stefan, but i never thought anything would come of it.

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