Innocent Prisoner

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Zack P.O.V

We walked into the hospital room to see Alex bawling his eyes out. I shot a look at Rian as if to ask whats going on, but he was just as confused as I was.

"Alex?" I asked gently, touching his arm.

He sniffed, wiping his tears.

"W-what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did somebody say something to y-"

Rian's ringtone cut me off. We both turned to look at him.

"Hello?" He spoke, I could just about faintly hear the buzz of matt's voice...something about Jack?

Rians expression soon changed into shock, then anger, then worry. A bunch of mixed emotions hidden behind his eyes.

"Be right there." Was all he said and hung up.

"What happened?!" I asked. Something was up, something bad, I could feel it.

"Jack's been arrested. He's been accused of attempted murder."

I turned to look at Alex as if to say 'Is that what youre crying about?'

Alex nodded with a weak "yeah."

I groaned. "But who the fuck would accuse Jack of doing something like that? Jacks not like that! He loves alex to PIECES. Even when he's angry, and hes hardly ever angry! " I exploded. All this rage bubbling up inside me, which was unusual since I'm normall cool and calm. But this...who would do this?

"Who do you think?" Rian spat. "Theres only like one person in out lives that despised Jack. Tearing his life apart to on the verge of suicide."

"But why would Zacky do that?" I quickly caught on as Rian jerked his head to a frozen Alex.

We sat in silence for a while.

Why the fuck was life so screwed up? We cant even have a peaceful month without shit starting up again.

"Come on. Lets get down to the station and sort this out." Rian sighed, getting up, nodding a goodbye and pat on the shoulder to Alex. Just as we were about to leave the doctor walked in.

"Well since Alex seems to have improved mentally and physically he should be out tommorrow noon. We just need to run a few more tests." The doctor said writing a few things down on the papers he was holding.

I nodded, giving Alex a quick glance and thanking the doctor.

"Im going to beat the shit out of Zacky when I see him." I growled.

"I second to that, but that'll put us into more trouble. I'm a pussy, dont wanna go to jail. Maybe we should call a hitman to assassinate him?" Rian replied, grinning.

I laughed, slapping him on the back, he always knows how to lighten the mood. Even through the darkest times.

Jack P.O.V

They questioned me, well, more like asking the same question over and over. The answer was no, obviously, since I had no idea what was going on. I fiddled with my tight handcuffs, that were hurting my skin, sighing as the police officers stalked out of the soundproof room I was currently held in.

When the door shut I slumped in my chair, throwing my head back in frustration.

"So youre not owning up to it I see." A voice startled me slightly as I looked to see Zacky. Grinning at me. His pearly white teeth gleaming.

"Well obviously not. I'm not the one who did IT."

I spat at him, clenching my fists, slightly attempting to break the handcuffs apart.

He laughed.

"Oh Jack. Why dont you just own up to it?" He shook his head, smirking.

I took this as a chance.

"And take the blame for you? Why would I do that? I dont like you how I used to. Though that affection only lasted a few days,"

"Yep because you fucked chris. And how would you take the blame for me? I am innocent I tell you," Zacky stuttered a little, probably shocked by my outcome. Though his face remained straight.

"Oh really? I can tell you did it Zacky. By the way you're acting. Spreading shit to Alex that I pushed him, telling him that you're his boyfriend. Giving him all these lies as he's currently finding it hard to gain his memory back. Hah I-"

I didnt get to finish off my full opinion as Zacky's fist collided with my face, knocking me off the chair, sending a pain throughout my body.

I felt numb.

"Stop it!" He growled. His jaw clenched firmly. The rings he was wearing got the punch to hurt more than it should but I didnt care. All that mattered right now was getting the truth out one way or another.

I heard a shuffle of movement as a cop came in, followed by some mumbling as I helped myself up back on my feet. Which was hard with handcuffs on. I felt warm hands help me up a little, I turned to see another cop looking at me as if to say "y'alright?" I nodded, attempting a smile.

I looked to see another cop gently escorting Zacky out. Once he was gone, the officer who helped me lead the way back to my cell, as I silently prepared for another shit day at prison.


My poor Jack! Nonono baby you'll be out of there soon!

Zacky you will die okay? I hate you. Why you punch Jack? No one punches an adorable innocent thing like him.


Oh and comment? Ta x

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