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So, Alex stuck by me nearly every second of the day for the very few days as I was in the hospital. When I was released things just started to look up, I'd finally gotten to confess my feelings towards Alex as from day one. Although what had shocked me was the fact he'd try to refuse those feelings and tried to get rid of them from getting with Zacky.

I thought back to the day...

" If you hated me I thought it'd be better for us, that way the so called phase I thought i was going through would just....end-man I feel like an asshole." Alex laughed, I dont know what it was about him, his laugh was beautiful, instantly lighting up my mood. His perfect white teeth gleaming.

I opened up my Twitter to see everybody (The Fans) tweeting around the same question.

'Are you and Alex a couple now?'

'Is Zalex over?'

'OMG Does Jalex exist yet? PLEASE SAY YES'

I smiled slightly and began tapping away on my iPhone:

No, Jalex does not exist (Yet) Sorry to dissapoint I guess? We're both single. #RidinSolo

It's true, me and Alex weren't dating, though we'd shared kisses every now and then, some more passionate than others, I'd decided to take a break from relationships for a while, though we did still love eachother equally. Just, the drama and the press were too much, who knows, maybe they could stir up some relationship shit between the exes to turn everybody against us...

It'd been just about two weeks now, the band hung out together, we practiced every now and then, almost like old times.

I leaned on the kitchen counter eating a banana, about to pour in a glass of cold milk for myself, opening the fridge to find it empty, i groaned.

We were out of milk.

"Yo, Lex," I called out, slipping on my vans, hopping on one leg to get put them on properly. God damn, my feet better not have grown.

I'm turning into big foot by the day.

"Yeah?" Alex yelled loudly...too loudly. I winced.

"Jesus Christ dude, I'm not deaf." I complained.

"Anyway I'm just heading to the store. Want anything?"

Alex gave me a long list which consisted of junk food and rockstar energy drinks. Sighing at him, I headed to the store.


I threw the groceries in the passenger seat and drove back, singing along to Blink 182 which was currently on the radio.

"You just listened to Blink 182 on Kerrang radio! Now you guys have been harassing me to play this song up next, so here you go! You Me At Six's Loverboy up next!" The radio presenter exclaimed.

The sound of Josh's voice startled me a little and I flinched. Changing the radio station, even though it was supposedly one of my favourite songs.

"Yo fatass I'm hooome! I got your donuts and shit!" I said, walking in, placing the bags down.


"Alex?" I called out, louder this time.

I walked through the rooms downstairs, where he currently was sitting before. The only evidence I'd found was the xbox controller and headset, the videogame on the tv, paused.

Walking towards the staircase I gasped. My heart thumped loudly underneath my t-shirt.

Alex lay there, flat on his stomach, blood seeping through his head, frozen.

Weightless (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now