Bite My Tongue, You're To Blame. You Give Love A Bad Name

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Jack P.O.V

Josh had been acting pretty weird over the past few days, I dont know...he just wasnt acting...himself you know? He seemed twitchy and nervous.

And that made me nervous.

Though Alex was being surprisingly nice and as for Zacky...well we just kept out of eachothers way.


Alex grabbed my wrist as i was brushing past him. Turning around to face him my face softened up at his expression.

"Jack...I-I'm sorry." He blurted.

"What?" I spluttered.

"Im sorry-for everything. I broke your heart, then-I trampled on it and-I fucked up Jack-big time. Can you forgive me? Please? Ive thought long and hard-" His eyes were wide and pleading, a hint of fear overtaking them.

Before he could say anymore i enveloped him in a hug, clutching him tightly.

"Yes." I whispered, tearing up, blinking quickly to stop tears falling.

"Thank you....Please come back to all time low? It isnt the same without you, ive missed you Jack."

"Ive missed you too...and the band." I quickly added at the end. Alex leaned up slightly to kiss my cheek and pulled away, grinning.

***End of flashback***

I touched my cheek, remembering the kiss as I lay in the empty bed, waiting for Josh to arrive with breakfast-like he did nearly every morning, i couldnt help but think that something else was going on though, maybe it was something to do with the fact to why my bed felt so empty every night, to why i fall asleep in Josh's arms and awake cold and alone. Things were too secretive, i didn't like it at all, he was hiding something from me and i was determined to be a sneaky bastard and find out what.

Alex P.O.V

Making my way out of the bakery i chewed my sugar coated donuts slowly, savouring every bite. Mm. These were gooooooood.

Walking down the street i began heading back to the hotel. Stopping dead in my tracks in the lobby i frowned to see Josh and Oliver Skyes of bring me the horizon hugging the lives out of eachother. I couldnt help but have sympathy at the fact they looked so much of a couple and the way they were hugging certainly wasnt friendly.

Eating the remains of my donut i headed to the lift. Just as the door was about to close the two brown haired men pulled away, leaning in-


I frantically punched the elevator button so the doors would open up again.

My jaw dropped to the ground-literally-at the sight before me.

Josh and Oliver kissing passionatley. I dont think they noticed I was there either since they began to make their way-still kissing may I add. Into the elevator.

I backed up against the wall, away from the sight before me. I couldnt help but feel a pang in my chest at the thought of Jacks feelings if he ever found out.

After the elevator dinged signalling I was at my floor I turned to give Josh a look.

Shocked, he opened his mouth to say something.

Glaring slightly I jogged down to Jacks room, just as I was about to reach for the handle josh pinned me against the wall.

"Don't. Please." He pleaded.

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