Chapter 10 - Nobody know's

Start from the beginning

“Yeah?” Louis laughed, it was always amusing watching the drunk try to craft a coherent sentence.

“I was rooting for the two of you,” Porter admitted. “I didn’t like who you were…” He trailed off, face blushing. “Without him,” He nodded over at Harry who was watching them.

Louis smiled, “I know.” And he did know exactly what Porter meant, when he was with Ava he was half of himself, somehow in the three years with Harry they had merged together, become one. Now Louis wasn’t just Louis anymore, Harry was apart of him too. 

As if their souls had connected the moment they met, not time or distance could break the bond they had. It was part of the reason Louis was so proud of Harry, of himself. They’d faced trial after trial but still, years later and Harry was still the love of his life. Louis thanked the stars every day that Harry had taken him back.

When his shaking hand slammed down on the elevator alarm, when the elevator stopped mid air and Harry was finally, well… there. Louis breath was ragged, his knee’s week and his mouth dry as he tried desperately to get through to Harry. When Harry wouldn’t look at him, well, his heart broke. When Harry flinched away, Louis felt a part of his soul turn to dust. When Harry cut himself, Louis felt the sting of that razor blade. 

“I’m just lucky,” Louis replied to Porter, still in a daze. 

Lucky he didn’t cut too deep, Louis grimaced at the thought. “If he jumps, I jump,” Louis replied. 

“What?” Porter asked over the music. 

Louis smiled, “Nothing, I just love him.”

“He looks at you like your the whole world,” Porter patted his shoulder, “And to him, you are.”

Louis blushed, “You’ll find that too, you know.”

Porter laughed, “You’re drunk my friend.”

“No,” Louis replied. 

“Sasha,” Porter swayed on his feet, “Left me at the altar.”

Louis nodded. 

“Rachel, tried to kill Jennifer and kept her pregnancy a secret,” Porter sighed as if the words aloud made everything real. Louis could see the pain in his face, the way his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. “Dakota…” He just shook his head. 

Louis smiled, “I hate her, you know that, right?”

“Everyone know’s that!” Porter laughed.

Louis nodded, “Well, you could do better.”

“She’s a good person, deep down.”

Louis laughed, loudly, “You and Harry, both brainwashed.”

“I’ve been sleeping with Sasha, I can’t fight our past…” Porter looked down at the street below and then sighed, “No matter how much she broke me.”

Louis was watching Harry as he helped Liam stand up, Liam was cheering and dancing as he toppled over. Louis smiled, “I know the feeling,” I broke Harry too, he broke me. Yet here we are, in each other’s arms. “Sometimes, no matter how far you run, you always come back.” Louis sucked on the cigarette, “Trust me.”

Porter smiled as he looked at Louis watching Harry, “I do, Louis.”

“Does she know?” Louis asked.

Porter’s frown deepened, “I don’t know.”

“That’s not good,” Louis stepped closer and grabbed Porter’s shoulders. “You are aware she’s psychotic.”

Porter groaned, “Why does everyone keep saying that!”

Louis laughed, “Keep one eye open, Porter Vance!”

“No!” Porter growled, “Oh fuck!”

“I’ll get you another drink,” Louis called over his shoulder.

Porter slumped onto the leather barstool, “Do they have passports and fake identities, too?”

Louis paused as he looked over at Niall, Harry was busy so he walked back to Porter and whispered. “I have a plan–“


“Trust me,” Louis smiled. “You’ll be free and I’ll get the bitch back,” He sighed, this is wrong and Harry will kill you. But he continued as he picked up his phone and began dialling. 

Porter rolled his eyes, “Louis I don’t think–“

Louis waved a hand, “Karma’s just as much of a bitch as she is.”

He was drunk, his words slurred as he made the calls and Porter downed three shots to try and stomach Louis' wicked plan. Louis knew, on some level he'd regret this but right now he was sick of hearing about her. He needed her to pay, after all she could have killed Harry, maybe the heroin was what drove Logan to kill himself? He grimaced as he drank, avoiding Harry's keen gaze as he leant into Porter and whispered, "It's done."

Porter walked to the edge of the balcony and threw up. Whether that was from alcohol or guilt Louis wasn't sure. 

Messy Nights and Modest Fights - Larry Stylinson Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now