Chapter 17

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*Note: The outfit above is the one that Azure is wearing- just imagine the color scheme of dark blue and white*

*A few years long ago*

"We can't afford to lose this war. Our kingdom is in deep jeopardy your majesty, I suggest that we should request more troops from the neighboring kingdoms." One general knight said while the round table have some murmurs.

"Aren't we have enough debt to them already? Your majesty, I suggest we deploy all the men in the kingdom and come at these creatures full charge." Another suggested.

"What if we sent our best mages to dispel a powerful banishment spell?" Another added and so goes on the meeting while the king halted his men and the room fell into silence.

"We have no other plausible option than to send her in the war zone. We need her and I hate to admit it, but right now Divillien's only hope now is her." The king said through gritted teeth while he ordered his messenger to find the shadow priestess of the dark lands.


"You requested of me, your majesty." The shadow priestess said while bowing down with an evil and playful smirk plastered on her face.

"I need your assistance, Shadow priestess. Aid us in battle and I will grant you whatever you solely want. Anything that you desire, it's yours." The king promised while this caught the young woman's attention.

"Anything you say. Even a request to have- say- someone?" The Shadow priestess said while now crossing her arms while the king was hesitant but then nod his head while the Shadow priestess formed an evil smirk on her face and agreed to the terms and the kingdom was victorious with her help and magic.

"Now, for my payment." The Shadow priestess said while the king was about to go and get his check book when all of a sudden-


"What's the meaning of this!" Kaja asked aloud while Lia began to laugh an empty, evil and wicked laugh as she just stares into the heroes and heroines who accompanied her to the house, not knowing that it was a trap intended for them.

"You tricked us! And here we thought we believed in you!" Layla said out loud while she angrily points at Lia who was just smirking while seeing them all caged up. She then took off her disguised face, hair and clothes as melodic tunes surrounded her when she transformed into her true physical form.

"You were just too easy being tricked. Who knew that the famous heroes and heroines were so easily TRICKED!" Dariella then said, now in her real physical form, while she hysterically and evilly laughed as Guinevere tried to use her magic but failed.

"Who are you, really and what do you want?!" Gatotkaca yelled while he was gripping unto the unbreakable and magic proofed metal bars while another one that dressed similar to "Lia" appeared.

"Well done, sister." Azure said while she and Dariella shared amuzing smirks because of the shock expressions that the heroes and heroines were expressing on their faces.

"Now, shall we reunite with the others?" Dariella asked while Azure used a spell to knock Guinevere and the others, causing them to faint as both of the witches used a locator spell and was now going towards the ruined pyramid where both their other sister and their older brother awaits them.


"This place gets more creepy the deeper we go. Are you sure this is where that book is hidden?" Alucard asked while Esmeralda nod her head when they all came across some sort of library. Books of ancient records, potions and spells that were not officially recorded into their own archives were now starring at them as Eudora was awed by how great of a preservation spell the previous holders have to keep the long year old books still in check.

"The library of the buried sand kingdom. I can't believe that were in the library of the buried sand kingdom." Eudora said while still mesmerized by how the library was kept in check and preserved very well.

"I know, isn't it amazing." Esmeralda added to which Eudora only gave a sound of agreement while they decided to split up to cover more ground and yell if they found anything.

"Guys over here on the last aisle on the ground floor near the exit!" Harith then yelled out loud, while Uranus was the first one to hear about it and then spread the word across the different aisles and the two floors of the huge ancient library. They all then met up to where Harith was and saw that he was now currently reading some sort of journal that was left here by a traveler of someone who has been studying in this library from long ago.

'Final Entry-

I have completed my mission and this will be the last of my strength. My priestess, wherever you are, I hope you are safe and sound. This world has already been swallowed whole by the very creatures who came out of the dark abyss.

Many were slaughtered, some were sacrificed to their wicked lords- but few escaped and flee throughout the land. I fear that the book that you now possess will be the one they are after. Look after the book and guard it with your life. To those who will ever read this, 

Il Libro delle leggende oscure non può essere rivelato al mondo.

Vai dove prospereranno, conosci il tempo

Il dessert Mooniyan è il luogo in cui si nascondono le leggende

Intrappolato nel tempo.

Now what does this mean?" Kadita asked while Alpha scanned it and translated that it has something to do with a book about sands in time and hidden legends. They all (the heroes and heroines) immediately thought about what King Leonin and Queen Genevieve said.

They're story was true all along.

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