Seeing Red

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Noah Le Blanc's POV

I saw red.  I know that that's a shitty excuse, but in my mind, I like to think that I had a valid reason for what I had done, even though nothing could explain the mess that I had created.

For the hundredth time since the incident, I walk down the hallway to Isabella's room.  We had to take her out of the dirty basement in fear that the particles and bacteria in that horrid room would infect the wounds that covered her body from head to toe.

The wounds that I had caused

I walk closer to the door, it was slightly ajar and you could see the soft light that the fairy lights created along to edges of the door that told me Liam was in there as well.  If he wasn't in there then the lights would be off, since Isabella hadn't moved an inch since that dreadful night.

Gathering my witts, I push open the door and my eyes instantly latch onto Isabella, like they do everytime she's in the room.

It shocks me to think that it's been Nine Months since the day that Liam had kidnapped her.  Throughout the first five months, she was still the same her, even when she was locked in the basement.  She had that fire you could never blow out.  That spark that sparkled brighter.  But then I ruined it.  Four Months have gone past and she hasn't been the same...We weren't even sure if she was still there anymore, or if it was a lost cause.

Her Hazel eyes stare blankly at nothing, back straight and head high.  It was like she was expecting something, something that would never come.

She was looking for help.

I turn my gaze to Liam who hadn't turned to look at me yet, far from five months ago when he stood up every time I was in the room, but all the respect that he had for me left after that night.  Liam left me.

Isabella left me as well.

Or perhaps I pushed her too far off the edge?

'H-has she said anything yet?'

Liam turns away from Isabella, keeping his hand clasped tightly around her limp hand like he was afraid that if he let go then she would actually not come back from where ever her mind had drifted off to.

'Do you think I'll still be sitting here watching Isabella stare at nothing if she did?  Do you think she'll still be here if she did?  I would have taken her out of this room, out of this town and out of the country before you found out that she had even uttered a word. '

Liam's harsh voice sliced through my heart with every word he growled.  Reminding me of the fact that I had ruined our friendship as well as the precious little Psycho that sat staring blankly at the same wall she's been looking at for four months.  She was a complete Psycho.

My psycho.

Our Psycho.

Giving Liam a desperate look, letting him know that I had heard every word he said, he rolled his eyes at my vulnerable state and proceeded to tell me.

'If you must know, the doc came in and announced that she needed to be put in a hospital so that he could keep an eye on her.'

Then Liam turns me.  His eyes darkening. 

'He said that the signs Issy has been showing are telling him that she may never wake up from this state and that taking her to the hospital will help her get comfortable for the miserable fucking life she has to live until she dies.  Now that you know, Noah, you can go back to your own miserable fucking life where you drink yourself to a point where you can't remember what you had done the next day.  Thinking in your mind that staying drunk is enough punishment for what you have done to Issy when NOTHING can fix it.'

My breathing had turned rugged as it got hard to breathe,  my vision cloudy and my thoughts jumbled.  Tears so desperately wanted to appear but I kept them in.  I didn't deserve to cry, I didn't deserve to feel pain, I didn't deserve to live.  But being alive is the only way I know that can make sure she heals.  The thought of her staying in this state made me want to sink to my knees.

'How can I fix it then?'

'How can I fix it then?'

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Isabella-Jade's POV

'How can I fix it then?'

I could hear there conversation.  Shit.  I could hear every conversation they've had around me.  I could smell the intoxicating cologne that Noah used every time he came close enough, mixed with that faint tinge of alcohol he had been drinking beforehand that he so desperately tried to cover up.  I got used to the apple scent that I oddly smelt when Liam sat with me twenty-four seven.  The urge to thank him was big and it didn't seem to leave.  He had stuck with me, even leaving Noah and their gang for me.  Liam was like the brother I never had and to him, I was that sister he never got.

I wanted to move.  I wanted to be able to function, but every time the lights turned off, or every time I willed my eyes to blink, that night would flash into my mind and it was like a personal horror movie on replay.


So.  You thought I was gonna tell you what happened now?

No boo boo.

I've decided to be annoying and do what all those other authors do.

You know?  when you set a number of votes and comments and the readers have to reach that amount before getting another chapter?



Soooo, let's start off soft huh?

100 Votes - 50 comments?

Yup.  That's it.


Also.  Shout out to @NoNormalPotatooo and @SkippyRoo for the support.  You don't know how much it means to me :) thank you.


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