Two types of pain

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Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person.

But here I lay, with an unbearable amount of pain building up inside of me until I feel myself slowly starting to drown in the misery.  Every breath I take feels like I'm just wasting time that could be given to someone who needed it.  I feel like I'm losing hope in living and that is not what I want.

A small part of me knew that Noah didn't mean it.  You could tell after it had happened that he regretted it instantly but another part of me, -the bigger part- told me that what he did was wrong.  I wasn't sure if the constant fight in my head was keeping me from healing but I knew that I was standing on top of a cliff, and I needed to make a decision. 

Whether to fall.  Or to walk away.

It was like there was a paper in front of me.  I had to write down all that I was feeling and all that I felt.  But the page stayed empty, and for some reason, I couldn't have described it any better.

Maybe I should have just told him something, anything that would make him believe, but I stayed quiet because there was nothing I could tell Noah.

At first, it was little things.  Three meals a day turned into two.  Or the rope would be tighter then it was the day before.  But something told me that Noah would never hurt me physically, and in ways I was right.  He didn't hurt me physically.

He was the mafia king.  He had control over many people.

And I wish I hadn't forgotten that fact.

The feel of there grimy hands on my skin.

The belt that pierced my flesh.

Their laughter filling the room.

The feeling of wax dripping on me from above.

The fists that tore my skin.

The pain that didn't just hit me physically but also mentally.

They were taking orders.  I knew it, but the fact that he'd let them do this to me made me want to scream until my lungs couldn't take it.  Made me want to cry till I had no more tears left.  Made me want to beat myself up, even if my body was already full with unremovable gashes.

I think that's what stopped me from healing.

It had been a while now, I heard Liam say that it had been four months since those boys got to me, and I know that all of the wounds have turned into scars and that it was time to wake up and get healthy.  Go back to the Isabella that loved Ducks and unicorns and Pandas.  Go back to the real me.

But the memories stopped me.

I just wanted them to leave.

Unknown POV

'Do you have any information for me?'

Detective Steven Stanley sat in front of me his face dismissive with a glint of fear sparking his dull eyes.  It was bearly there, but when you have a job like me you could tell instantly.

'Yes we do, sir.  We were able to track Isabella-Jade's last whereabouts and are now waiting for you to give us the all-clear before searching.'


Time was catching up with all the mistakes I have made in life.  For my daughter, for my wife.  For my family.  I knew that finding Isabella would be a step towards fixing my mistakes so it was time to tread carefully.

'No.  Leave the rest to me, Stanley.  Leave the rest to me.'

Soon I shall make my move.


Boring Chapter... But it's something right?  Sorry for the disappoint.

100 Comments and 70 votes?? Change it around abit.  We were a few from 100 guys!  So close!!! 

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