Chocolate chicken

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Isabella-Jades POV

'So this is kinda like a game right?'

Blonde unicorn gives me a weird smile and nods his head slowly like I was a turkey that needed to be plucked but also needed permission to be plucked.

'Yes.  Exactly like a game...actually, it is a game.  So walk into the cage and sit on the chair so I can tie you up...'

Smiling widely I nod my head and walking into the room that was full of damp cold air and metal bars that made a fence-gate thingy around me.  There was a very uncomfortable chair that was stationed in the middle of the room looking all fishy and stuff.

Seems normal.

I sit on the fishy chair and watch as unicorn boy tied me up with thick ropes and made sure they were secure.

'Now that, that is done I am going to leave you in this very non-suspicious room with the door locked.  And when Noah comes back you are going to answer all his questions truthfully.'

I nod my head and try to lick my elbow.  Which was bent like an awkward potato when he tied me.

'Okay byeeeeeeeee!'

Blonde unicorn locked the door and walked slowly away from me with an awkward look on his face, soon it was quiet which left me with only my thoughts and Edward my inner voice.

Paper is just thinly sliced tree.  Putting a book together is just rebuilding the tree, making a forest of knowledge.

Edward-' Haven't you realized that they've locked you in a cage yet?'

A date is basically a job interview for a boyfriend or girlfriend

Edward- 'They're gonna interrogate you ya know? And all you're worried about Shower Thoughts you saw on Instagram?'

Imagine having Chocolate Chicken? How would that even work

Edward-  I give up.

I'm jolted out of my amazing thoughts when a keys jingle in my face and I look up to see Burger King in all his glory.

'We should have kids.'  I blurt out like a baby squid and blink up at him.  Burger king looked somewhat calmer then the other times I had seen him.  His face was as flawless as ever but instead of his dark locks tossed all around his head like a halo, his hair was slicked back and he was in an all-black suit.  Making him look like the mafia leader he was.

He raises an eyebrow at my statement and leans back against the wall I was facing.

'Usually, for you, I wouldn't be so hard on you.  Mostly because you seemed like an innocent little mouse but in the past few days things have changed.

Past few days?  The nightmare I had, had been almost two weeks ago?

'And no it's not because of that dream that you -and weirdly Liam- had, but this is because of something else.'

I give him a flat flatbread



'Our competition Mafia have declared war, and are dead set on getting you from us and taking you to their boss.'


'So because of that.  You will be staying in here and answering our questions.  if you refuse to answer and answer truthfully.  You will be punished.'

With that Burger Ki- I mean Noah Le Blanc- turned and walked away.  Leaving me in this cold dark room.

You ever get that feeling when everything's all fun and games until something happens to snap you out of that state and to grow up.  That's what I felt then, because when I looked in Noah le Blanc's grey eyes, I didn't see a glow, instead they had that same fucking look that my fathers had.


I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

I just wanted to say that the next chapter you ain't going to like. 

 Lovers of Noah watch out

 Lovers of Liam get your torches ready 

and Lovers of Isabella-Jade.  Get ready with your tissues.


Btw I hate this chapter But atleast it's something right?

Btw I hate this chapter But atleast it's something right?

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