Secret Snuggles

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Isabella-Jade's POV

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Isabella-Jade's POV

The dream started off normal.

'Maya! I can't believe it! You've turned into a freakin unicorn!'

I was sitting in a cloud with Maya appeared with a glossy mane of hair and for legs, a rainbow-colored horn on her horse head.

Maya naed at me and I naed back, using the talk of unicorns to communicate before I noticed a two-leg average looking human beside her.  His ugly non-unicorn face smiling some-what nervously at me as he looked around in confusion.

'Um......I seriously don't think I' m supposed to be here.'  He talks in non-unicorn and starts to walk backward in a banana plant.....because'it's my dream and in my dream, it comes from plants sooo.........

Don't hate.

I quickly look down at his shoes and using my super awesome unicorn powers, I tie his shoelaces together which causes him to trip awkwardly into a pool of cowboy hats.

'You are never leaving this dream!'  I bellow like an old hairy man and point at the average human.

'WHO ARE YOU!' I growl and his eyes widen and he takes a step back.

'This is the reason I like the Pegusus better.' I hear him mutter with my unicorn ears and sniff the creature with two legs.

'....Pegasus.....Maya.....I KNOW YOU! YOU'RE DOMINIC! The guy from Maya's book!'

I turn into an average human like him and start fangirling all over the clouds.

Why is it called fangirling

Why not...Conditionergirling or windgirling

I look over to Maya who sat staring at me in a frog costume and nodding her head.

'I actually don't know why it's called fangirling, fellow unicorn!'

See....Where so close we read each other's mind.

I turn to Dominic who's rocking on his heels and singing softly to himself before hugging him tightly.

'You are so cooooolll!! Kidnapping Maya and shiz, and you have the greatest hair! What shampoo do you-'

'Where the hell am I Isabella?' I turn to see Liam my blonde unicorn standing there looking all confused and I smile.

'WELCOME TO MY DREAM! I'm like Freddy Kruger!  I met him once, I think he was scared of me after I got my nails done so they were sharper than his.  I thought he was a nice burnt dude before he tried cutting me....he really needs to cut those nails.

Liam just stares at me deadpanned, his blue eyes not in the least surprised before he looks past me to Blake who came out of nowhere.

'Hey.  Heard you made spaghetti?'

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