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Uploading algorithm for extraterrestrial language of planet MTXY-5-C92

Algorithm at ninety percent completion.





Translation complete.

Dust kicked up in the air. Drums pounded with their melodic beat. Voices whooped and cheered as feet stamped the ground, and the white sunlight shined down through the gargantuan trees like omnipresent spotlights. The light dappled through the air, and a strange birdlike creature warbled before taking flight.

Deep in the rich, cultural home of an alien planet, a ring of native people stood in a large circle, giving voice to the fight that they were watching at the center of a clearing. The clearing was just on the edge of their tribal home, and beyond stretched a beautiful and lush landscape. Two of the tribe members were circling each other in this ring, their blood heated with the excitement of the duel. Both were male, and one was taller than the other. The taller wore a bracelet adorned with feathers, and fur clothes wrapped around his waist ran down to his shins and was supported by a sleeve around the arm. The belt on his hips was made of a different animal skin, and the buckle was of bone. He wore two wrist gauntlets made of a sturdy silver metal and fur, and he wore a glittering headband of carved metal that wrapped around his right ear. His hair was a curly brown, and his eyes gazed intently at his opponent. His tan skin was covered in green tattoos, some over his face, but most over the rest of his body, with patterns and riveting symbols.

The other was more muscular, and he wore a kilt of animal skin over cloth that covered his right arm and his legs. He wore metal guards over his shins, and a gauntlet with a space for a dagger; the sheath was empty. There was also a belt that ran down alongside his attire, with buckles in the back to hold a quiver; it was empty as well. His left arm was decorated with intricate red tattoos that covered the left side of his chest and down to his wrist with mesmerizing swirls and patterned lines, and his hair was dyed a vibrant red.

Both males were strong, and both watched each other with narrow attentive eyes. They circled in a cautious stance, muscles tensed to react nimbly. Dust and sweat already tattered their bodies, and their broad chests heaved with deep breaths. However, despite the serious impression that an outsider might see, there was a twinkle of playful light in both of their challenging eyes.

The taller suddenly moved. He swiftly ran and jumped, but the other rolled and avoided the kick. The red haired man dodged a right hook and ducked, barreling into the taller man and charging him back. The taller skidded to a halt, keeping upright as the rest of the tribe cheered.

"Come on Tyler!" A young blue haired man yelled. "You have him!" Tyler charged the red haired man again. He dealt a kick, but it was dodged again. Then they went off into a chain of blows that were mostly dodged, until finally the opponent took a punch to the arm and stumbled back.

"Keep it up Mark!" A blonde girl shouted. "You can beat him!" The red haired man, Mark, shook his dyed bangs out of his eyes and panted. He ducked another blow and crouched, swiftly sweeping his foot under Tyler's legs and uprooting him. Tyler was flipped off his feet and fell, and Mark immediately tackled him. They wrestled and rolled, and more dust rose up like a nebula. The tribe's excitement grew, and the drums and hearts beat harder. The fight finally ended when Tyler managed to pin Mark down and wrap his legs around his neck, forcing him into submission.

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