My First & Forever

Start from the beginning

"I Love You too" Chloe said to me before giving me a kiss on the lips and closing her eyes and cuddling me.

One Hour Later

"WHO THE HELL IS THIS!" I heard an angry man say as he pulled the sheets off the bed.

I quickly got up and moved towards my dad. "Shes a friend dad" I said in defense.

"THE HELL A FRIEND! SHE IS A FUCKING DYKE AND SHE IS IN YOUR BED UNDER MY ROOF!" he said yelling at me and pointing into my shoulder, with slight force.

"I'll leave sir. Im sorry". Chloe said trying to help the situation but only making worse.

"YOU, You are the bitch that showed up at my house and took her the first time." my angry father said.

"Both of you get out my house and never come back!" My father yelled.

"Kaylee you have two seconds to get you and your lesbian dyke out my house before I hurt you and her"

I grabbed Chloe's hand and dragged her out my room and down the stairs and out the house, but before i made it out the door i took one of the picture that was hanging on the wall of my brother and sister and mother and i took the spar money out the vase. I thought to myself that I will never be back in that house or near my mother. Tears were falling and there was nothing i could do to stop them. I had to go back home later when i knew my father wasn't home to get the rest of my things.

Things were not going as planned and my life was not getting better. Everything was falling apart and fast.


   Chloe slept with my brother and sister. I am driving myself back to my home to get my things. I didn't need Chloe in this. I didn't need her getting caught and beat for something because of me. This is between me and my father and if I need to get hurt to get my things I will but I'll be damned if she gets hurt not again. I thought as I drove to my house. I drove up quietly turning my light off so no one would i know i was home. I parked the car and quickly ran to the back of the house.  My mom always left the back unlocked. I quietly walked in and into the house. I looked around and saw no one. Quietly walking to the stairs i hear someone coming from the bathroom up stairs. I stopped and waited. A door closed and i continued to go up the stairs towards my room where some of my thing were packed.

I tried grabbing everything i could but as i did i felt something hard hit my back and i fell on the floor in pain. The air was knocked out of me and as i opened my eyes I knew i would be leaving with bruises or in a grave.

"I told you if you came back i'd beat you. Do you ever listen" my father said. He picked me up and slapped me. I looked at him and spoke. "screw you asshole" I spit the blood in his face only to make him more pissed. His hand moved down towards his belt and he pulled it from his waist. This belt that he wore had spikes on them. He pushed me hard on the bed and hit me once.

It felt like little knifes running across your skin in a fast past with force. Every hit i cried. Every hit i became more numb inside. Next thing i knew my father picked me up and stood me up just to punch me in the face. That one punch brought me back enough to get enough energy to grab the bag i packed and run. I ran down the steps and flung opened the door and ran to my car.

I heard gunshots firing but I didn't feel any hit me. I got in the car and drove off without looking back to see if he could be following me. Once i pulled up in the driveway I saw the lights on Chloe's house. I ran to the front door and knocked on the door. As the door was opening I started to get dizzy and lose my balance.

"Kaylee how did you get shot!" Chloe asked worried and confused.

I was confused on what she was saying. I didn't remember getting shot but I looked down and I saw right where the bullet hit me. Blood was everywhere.

"Chloe I'm sorry", i said before passing out.

Chloe POV

"Kaylee wait"







"CALL 911"

"OH MY GOD, OK honey calm down I'm calling right now just please calm down"

"MOM I CAN'T LOSE HER", I said. My breathing started to become faster and my anxiety was coming and my panic attack.

"Chloe calms down please," My mom said.

I looked at Kaylee one more time before I passed out.

"She is fine Ma'am, She just needs to drink water and keep her hydrated and keep her calm," some man said. I opened my eye and I saw the guy talking to my mom. I looked around and saw nurses walking around everywhere and I was sitting in a wheelchair and an IV in me. I started to remember why I passed out.

"Mom! Where is Kaylee?" I Asked, worried.


"She is in surgery" she answered.

Sorry to leave you hanging like this but I need to post something and I have been a shitty writer for you guys please forgive me. 😩😞😱 I really hope you like.

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