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After doing our chores, Suho and Baekhyun head to the grocery store to get the necessities.

Chanyeol heads to the gym. Aghh! He has such a good body. How come I don't have that kind of a body after working out?

I am alone. Wooooohooooo! Time for music.

I play my favourite songs on my portable speakers and settle down to study.

After finishing two chapters, I get bored so I dance around. I also attempt to sing but that probably sounds like dying horses crying.

The door bell rings.

Oh shoot! I immediately stop the music and open the door to reveal Suho and Baekhyun at the door.

"What took you so long?" Baekhyun asks. He looks at my sweaty body and smiles. "You were dancing? Again? Ahhh! You'll never stop hiding it from us, will you?"

"Mmmhhhh." I make some noise of sorts.

"I am sure, one day you'll be confident enough to do it front of everyone. Fighting!" Suho gives me a warm hug.

I smile at him and say, "Looks like another shower is required." I smile sheepishly. "Or maybe I'll head to the gym. Chanyeol is still there."

I bid farewell to them as I head to the gym of the neighbourhood.

Since we are from a rich family, we live inside a housing complex sorta thing which has everything from a restaurant to a park and even a gym.

I reach there quickly enough and walk in, searching for Chanyeol.

Finding him is easy. All you have to do is look for a crowd of girls squealing.

I soon find him and head towards him.

"Mind if I join you?" I say as I get on the treadmill beside his.

"Not at all. Didn't you already work out in the morning?" He asks looking at me.

"I did parents aren't exactly happy with my body so....." I say looking everywhere but at him.

"You shouldn't push yourself too much. And anyway, you look very beautiful. Don't worry!" He gives me a wide smile which I return.

We work out some more together and when we get ready to go, my eyes fall on a foreign face.

I have never seen him before. But he is definitely extremely handsome and has a great build.

"Woah! Who is the new guy?" I ask Chanyeol.

"Ohh! That's the guy from the new family that moved into house 12. I met him yesterday. Let's go introduce you to him." Chanyeol leads me to the guy.

As I reach closer, I realise how hot he is. I feel my cheeks redden. Aish! Don't blush. Great! Now I feel nervous.

"Hey Kai! Great to see you again!" Chanyeol greets him with a handshake.

"Hey! Chanyeol? Right?" He gives a beautiful smile to him before looking my way.

I feel the heat but force myself to smile at him.

"Kai, this is my roommate and best friend's sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Kai." He introduces us. I stick out my hand and he takes it.

He is smirking at me and giving me a weirdly sexy look. He inspects me up and down. I feel the heat on my cheeks growing.

"Hey! Nice to meet you Kai." I say in a small voice.

"Hello! The pleasure is mine. How old are you?" He asks.

"I am eighteen. I go to Rosewood. You?" I say. This handshake is way too long. I slowly move my hand.

"Same. I am joining on Monday. Maybe you can show me around? I am pretty new here." His hands go into his pockets.

"Sure. Why not?" I say.

We stand there and chitchat for a while before returning. As we walk home, Chanyeol says, "He looks very smart and awesome. Maybe you should try dating him!"

"What?!?" I scream unintentionally. "Sorry. But what?" I say in a normal volume.

"I mean you've never dated and he seems to be a good guy. Maybe get to know him? It's high time you start doing things like that." He says as if there is nothing wrong with what he is saying.

"Chanyeol, first of all I am not pretty. No one would be interested in me." I state.

"Yah! That's why he was checking you out." He gives me a smirk.

I feel myself blush but I continue talking. "Second, I am not interested in this dating thing."

"And you still watch romantic movies at night. But don't think it's a secret. I always see you watching those on your laptop." He lifts his eyebrows.

"Are you spying on me, Park Chanyeol?" I try to sound offended.

"Maybe I am more than your roommate. Maybe I am spy working for the government, trying to kidnap you." He says. You both bust into laughter.

"And third, I have no experience. Who on earth would want a newbie?" I say.

"It's never too late." He says ruffling my hair. "Okay..ewww. You're sweaty." He says as moves his hand from my head.

"Yes genius. I have been working out with you." I laugh at him.

By this time, we reached the house and step in. Suho is standing at the entrance looking a little mad.

"Park Chanyeol! Hands off my sister." He says in a calm but still scary tone.

"Yes, sir." Chanyeol mutters and runs to his room.

Suho's expression changes in a millisecond. "How is my baby?" He says.

His duality still scares me. "Gee-great!" I say in the squeaky voice.
"I have to take a shower. Bye!" I rush to my room.

Phew! Woah! Thank goodness I escaped! I step into the shower and take another shower. I live for my showers.

They literally the best things in my life. I love them.

I step out and slide into another one of my hoodies and shorts. I head to the living room and see the three boys sitting in a circle around the table.

"What are you doing? I want to join too." I say sitting down between Baekhyun and Suho.

"This is going to be exciting." Chanyeol smirks. Baekhyun shows a similar expression.

Suho immediately say, "We are playing would you rather. We were just getting started."

Oh shoot! I have to get out of here. What excuse do I use? I have to study? Someone is going over?

Well Tae is coming over so, technically that's not a lie.

"Actually, Tae is coming over soon. I think I'll join you sometime later. Sorry!" I say and get up.

Baekhyun pulls me down and says, "Oh! That's absolutely okay. She can join us when she arrives."

The door bell rings. Looks like she is here. I slip out of his grasp and run to the door.

"Hey Tae! We should get studying, right? Come quickly! We can't waste anytime." I pull her in and drag her towards my room.

"Hey Tae! Wanna join us in a game of would you rather?" Baekhyun asks her in a sweet voice.

Tae immediately starts reddening and mutters, "Sure. We can study later."

You traitor! Tae! How could you betray me for your crush? How?

She softly drags me to them and takes my previous position. I sit between Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Let the games begin!" Chanyeol says. This is going to be hell. Ahhh!

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