"Um,yeah."I answered,flustered.5 seconds of being that close to Adam got my hormones running fast.

He smirked and patted the top of my head,"How does it feel to be short,shorty?"

I hit him playfully,"Shut up."

We walked over to where Peter and my mom were standing.They had already kissed,and my mom moved on to give Adam a quick hug,and me a hug too.

"I missed you all so very much!"my mom said as we exited the airport.She turned to me and said,"You won't guess who was in Milan for the AC Milan VS Real Madrid game!"

"I'm guessing it was Serena's lover,Cristiano Ronaldo."Adam said,chuckling.

"Yes!Serena is crazy about him!"My mom continued as I stood there blushing and Adam was amused,"She has this life-size cardboard cut out of him that I would catch her kissing sometimes when she thought I wasn't looking!"

Everyone laughed,"Mom,stop!"I said,embarassed.I was 14 when that happend!

"Oh please,tell me more,Lorena."Adam said,holding back laughter.

"Stop,"I said to Adam,"Or shall I tell everyone how you sang to Brent on his last night you had him?"

His jaw dropped."How did you-"

"Our rooms are right next to eachother sweetie.I heard evvverythingggg."I smirked at him.

He smiled,"You like blackmailing me don't you?"

"I love it."

The next day,The worst possible thing happend.

Hailey came over.

And no,that wasn't it,although that was pretty bad too.

She was about to leave,since we were about to have dinner,when my mom said,"Hailey,why don't you stay for dinner?We'd love to have you."

Gag,no we wouldn't.

"I'd love to!"she said excitedly.

So at dinner,Hailey sat across from Adam,who sat next to me,which was kinda fun because our hands would always bump together since he was right handed and I was left handed.

And Hailey was on her best behavior,of course.She was not only trying to kiss my mom's ass,but she wanted to seem like her and I got along perfectly well.

When she got done telling us how she once volunteered at a Children's Orphanage,and said it was"such a rewarding expirience",my mom said,"Oh,you're such a good hearted girl.Not many teenagers do that nowadays."

I gaped.I used to go to the homeless shelter and help feed the homeless every Saturday when I still lived in New York,yet my mom didn't bother to call ME good hearted.

"She is,"Peter added,"I've known her since she was a little girl.She's always been so sweet."

I took a big gulp of my lemonade because I felt I would literally gag.The girl was a bitch on wheels!She hated me since day one,yet here I was,listening to everyone compliment her!

Life was so unfair.

"You know,"my mom began,"I could use a girl as beautiful and humble as you to model for my company."

"Me?"Hailey asked,as if she noooo one has ever suggested she should model,"Really?"

I rolled my eyes and my mom said,"I've asked Serena,but she's not into that stuff."

Hailey gasped like she couldn't believe it,"What?!Serena,you'd be perfect for that!"

She gave me a fake smile and I returned it,"You are too kind,Hailey."

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