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We were trapped inside a twilight without cinders. Usually when the sun goes down, so do our worries of the day. However, our fears were festering and becoming much more alive than before. And when we stared down the haunting passage that threatened to continue to be open, it was our reminder this was truly happening. Our only light was from the mini-suns on torches some of the others carried.

Newt held my hand in a death grip. He clung on as soon as his realization hit what was happening. My fingers had made a way to slither to his wrist, feeling the pulse that comforted me even in times like this. It drowned out the sounds of birds singing without a care, and cicadas hissing away.

Suddenly, the eastbound door began to screech open. We all went to cover our ears or flinched at the harsh raw sound. For some reason, the doors sounded louder tonight. Because they were telling us what was about to happen. It was the east, then the west. Boys scurried to the south that was partly sheltered by trees of the overgrowth Deadheads.

"Hey Chuck," Thomas patted the boy's shoulder. "I want you to go to Council Hall, okay. Start barricading the doors."

"Prim, you go with him." I stared up at Newt, horrified. The worst part was that I couldn't reject. My voice wouldn't let me. Newt dislodged our hands, gently ushering me along.

With my heart pumping, my eyes looked back at him while my hand found Chuck's. I wasn't going to let him out of my sight if we were going to be stuck fighting this thing off together.

"Get the others! Tell them to go to the forest and hide! Go now!" Orders were being thrown left and right.

Not even before Chuck and I reached the council hall, the Glade echoed with the banshee-like screeches that would visit us at night. This time, they were much closer. And this time, it sounded like our nightmares would be the one killing us.

"Alright, everybody hide!" I heard Thomas's scream.

'Please, please let them be okay. Let him be okay.'

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" Chuck repeated those words like a prayer as we scavenged for loose planks, hauled up barrels, and stacked up crates to fabricate the Council Hall into a stronghold. I tried to stay calm, focusing on anything laying about and securing it between the loose edges of the branches.

I couldn't keep my mind off of him. I was terrified. For once, I never thought about it, I was afraid of losing Newt. Because that thought alone horrified me. I couldn't lose him. However, no matter how much I want to think about him, someone needed me a little more. Chuck was the youngest out of all of us and was given a job such as this. He was in a frenzy in his own mind.

I had to take a moment to calm myself down. Breathing in while listening to the deathly silence outside of everyone hiding, and exhaling, hearing someone's heart-ripping scream. I clamped Chuck's cheeks between my palms, stopping him for a brief moment.

"It's okay, it's okay." I couldn't even count how many times I mouthed the words.

"I'm scared." He told truthfully. We did out best with fortifying the walls as best we could, so all we could do was wait for now. It gave me time to come up with an idea to comfort him. I sat Chuck down on the bleachers, pressing my hands firmly against his face as an assurance before letting go.

How can you comfort someone with words you don't even know how to speak?

Letter for you

Does the sun promise to shine?
No, but it will.
Even behind the darkest clouds, it will.
And no promise will make is shine longer or brighter.
For that is its fate,
to burn until it can burn no more.
So, to love you and protect you is not my promise,
it is my fate.
to burn until I can burn no more.

Aphonic {TMR;Newt}Where stories live. Discover now