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"Doctor Paige, I really don't-"

"Please, hear me out."

Silence dawned upon the room.

Ava Paige paced before varied head councils of their scientific institution of WCKD. Hosting a small presentation, she stepped forth with an idea that was ideally ludicrous. A projected panel of the database of the human brain poised in mid-air, alongside showing profile pictures of a never before seen girl.

"One hundred billion neurons per human, of which only fifteen percent are activated. There are more connections in the human body then there are stars in the galaxy. We possess a gigantic network of information, to which we have almost no access."

Another pause.

"And what would the next theorized stage?" Distrust contorted on their facial features.

"Well, the next stage would probably be emotionally capable of reading others sentiments, but for that, we would need to access at least 40% of our brains capacity. After control of ourselves and others, we have even the possibility to control matter."

"This is absolutely beyond reasoning." The councilwoman scoffed. "You are dawdling in the realm of science fiction, something like this couldn't be possible."

"I understand how this would seem out of the question." She spoke calmly. "Especially with the chaos that we are facing. If I was, to tell the truth, we don't know any more of this matter than we do about the Flare."

"Then why are you even pondering on this? You are wasting time."

Heavy knocks interrupted the conversation on the other end of the door.

"Come in."

All four heads swiveled to where diminutive squeaks protruded in the room.

A girl was being wheeled in a wheelchair by a man in doctor's scrubs. The girl was completely silent, her head hung low allowing her greased inky strands to shadow her face. She was distressingly small, her thin arms strapped down by leather buckles on the armrests and forgo the same with her ankles. Her skin was pasty white and thin like freshly made paper obscuring her bright blue veins. It made the council in the room squirm in discomfort in their chairs.

"This is subject A0, also known as Primitive." The anonymous girl was placed at the Doctor's side, seemingly not moving or not even breathing for the matter. "I will start by saying she is one of the most crucial applicants to WCKD, for without her we wouldn't even begin to ponder on this subject."

"What is so special about her?"

Ava Paige collected a silver clicker from her pocket, pressing one of the dozens of buttons causing the panel to change. The prototype diagram of the human brain was shrunk to the side, while another, slightly altered brain presented parallel to it.

"As you can see the normal human cerebellum is six by five centimeters in size. Primitive's is inflamed, and is one-hundredth millimeter larger than average."

Disproved body language was shown to the Doctor, causing her permanent frown to deepen.

"That is not exactly an ideal discovery, Miss Paige."

"If I may?" Attention was drawn to the man who wore a bleached lab coat. A character who you would imagine is nothing but aside of a story.

He clearly carried his confidence on his upright shoulders. He was actually not half-bad looking for a gentleman his age; Long golden hair falling to the start of his jaw, seamed blue eyes fit with a keen sharp stare. When he stepped forward, Ava Paige's eyes rolled at the smell of masked booze snuffed out with a strong musk of perfume.

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