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"Ey, Prim!" Frypan beckoned from the kitchen.

I stepped back from the fire I attained at, employed with cooking bacon and toast with eggs for the Gladers lunch. It was a small cavity in the earth lined with stones from the Deadheads to use as a furnace. Fry and I would switch off every thirty minutes.

"What kind of bagel can fly?" I lifted a brow along with the bagel he raised. He always came up with godawful puns around lunch, and there was usually nothing I could do to stop it. So I just endured them. At least they were better than Wyck's. Wyck's were just...no.

"A plain bagel."

"Oh, haha. You're a comedian, Fry." Chuck had kept me company since he had nothing else to busy himself with. Thank god he didn't. I don't know how long I would be able to endure these dull jokes without him.

"Do you want me to get the spoon again?" At Fry's threat, Chuck instantly shrunk down. Of course he actually never hit him. It was the fear Chuck would have to run to get away from Fry, and that in itself was what he hated. Besides, that would be breaking one of the rules.

"Damn that smells good! Is it done yet?" I swatted Zart's hand away from the platter of sizzled bacon as he and Winston came up with a few others. The Slicers and Track-hoes were always the first to lunch since Gally never released the Builders until their tasks were complete. I felt bad for them, but attempting to reason with Gally was like trying to reason with a goat. It just doesn't happen.

"Y'know the month Prim's been here I noticed the food has gotten a lot tastier," Winston said that loud enough to where the chef could hear, however also stuffing his face with the bacon I had made clear was off limits. It ended up with a wack to his head with my journal.

"You hear that, Fry! Prim's gonna put you out of business!"

"Yeah well, I'm gonna be puttin' ya'll out of business by lettin' you starve!"

"She-bean are these shanks botherin' you again?" The standard voice of Alby was easy to pluck from the rest of the fest. He and Newt sauntered up to join the hoard of boys that surrounded the fire pit. It looked like the leader was in another good mood today.

With a boasting smile, I shook my head no. It was normal for them to come pester me. I had gotten used to it after the second week, the week I broke that thick layer of awkwardness being around too many guys.

"You guys ready for the new Greenie?"

"Man, is it that time already?" Fry complained, wiping the grime from his hands with an old tattered rag.

I squeezed behind him, grabbing the saucer of bacon casually before Newt could snatch a piece. He ran his tongue along the pan of his teeth, restraining back the frustrated smile he got from my playful wink.

"It's either today or tomorrow. Another dead from the neck up Greenbean, I bet."

"Looks like Prim's gonna lose her spotlight." I don't necessarily have a problem with that.

"Yo, what if they're gonna just be sending up girls from now on?" Winston awed, his eyes hopeful. The two leaders rolled their eyes while I pretended like I wasn't hearing anything. Once they started acted like real teenage boys, it was time to tune out. You couldn't even imagine the vulgar things I've heard by accident as I was passing a crowd of them.

"Then you won't have a chance with any of 'em." Minho decided to make himself known, marching up towards the platter of bacon that I was so desperately attempting to shield from these piglets. I smacked his hand away as soon as he tried. Offended, he slapped my hand back.

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