The Drummer's Sister: Chapter II

Start from the beginning

As we went outside to wait for the car I took off the jean jacket I was previously wearing exposing my bare mid-drift. It was fiercely hot out here. I seemed to forget the fact that it was summer and we were now in California. But I had to admit I liked it.

We again piled into the car which then led us to the hotel. As the car pulled into the hotel car park, I took notice of the hotel's grandeur. It was immense. I couldn't help but put a wide eyed smile on my face. I knew we were only staying for tonight but I still couldn't help but be excited.

Josh and I walked into the hotel and up to the front desk where we were greeted by Paul, One Direction's tour manager, as I was told. "Hello there Josh!" he chirped as he gave him a firm handshake and a man hug. "Is this the lovely Elle I've been told so much about?" he gestured towards me.

I smiled and nodded in return as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze."Hi," I said politely.

He helped check us in and gave us our room keys. I looked at the room numbers on our keys. Mine said 9169. Josh's said 9169. Bloody hell. Same room. Josh noticed me tense up. "Sorry," he mouthed as Paul continued to speak to the front desk. Before we went up, I distinctively heard Paul have a word with Josh. "Your sister seems lovely, really, but after what I've heard about her please keep her calm with the lads. You and I both know what they would do with a girl like her." I saw Josh nod out of the corner of my eye. A girl like me? The fuck was that supposed to mean? I just ignored it. Eh fuck, I'm gonna have a good time and Paul was just gonna have to deal with that.

It may seem like I'm a trashy slut who sleeps around and drinks all day long, but I swear I'm really not. I'm just Elle. I like having a good time and sometimes I get drunk but who doesn't. And contrary to what my brother and apparently Paul believe, I've only ever hadone serious boyfriend. And dumped me after he thought I was pregnant, which I wasn't. Prick. Anyway, why people assume I'm either an angel sent from heaven above or some skanky bitch, I don't even know. Honestly I'm just right in between. And that's perfectly fine with me.

After we finished with Paul, Josh and I headed towards the lifts. "So?" I quizzed, "a girl like me, you say?" I asked as we entered the lift and I pushed the button labeled 9.

Josh looked tense. "Just behave, okay please, for me?" he asked almost begging actually. I scoffed. The awkward sound of elevator music filled the space. I finally gave in and nodded at him. I didn't want him to lose this amazing job because of me so I promised myself that I'd try and be good for him.

The door opened at our level and stood there waiting was a blond boy with gorgeous blue eyes staring straight at us. He was so fit. Oh shit. That's one of the guys in the band! Niall, I think his name was. "Mate!" he hollered as he went in for a hug with Josh.

"Nialler! Great to see you mate!" Josh said as we got out of the lift and stood in the hallway. "California is amazing, I'm so pumped for tonight's show!" Josh exclaimed all at once. For a twenty year old he seemed almost like a little kid again. I could tell he was beyond ecstatic about his job.

"Oh I know what you mean! The weather's great here, all the lads love it. And I must say the food is rather tasteful as well," he said dorkily with his to die for Irish accent. I wouldn't be able to miss it, it was so distinctive and damn sexy that was for sure. He suddenly turned to me. "Oh hey there, love," he said, instantly turning my insides to a soft pudding like mixture. I smiled sweetly which was honestly completely out of character.

"Niall, this is my sister, Elle," Josh introduced. "Elle, this is Niall Horan, he's in the band."

"I'm Elle," I said still smiling.

"Well nice to meet you Elle. seeing as you are the girl Devine, you should fit in great here with us lads." he winked at me and again, my insides were the equivalent of pudding. "Come babe, I'll introduce you to the other lads," he offered as he gestured to a nearby door which I was assuming was the lads' room.

I looked over to Josh hopefully with my infamous puppy dog eyes that won him over every time. "Fine, fine," he said, giving in, like he always does, "I've got to shower anyway."

"Don't worry mate, we'll take care of her, she can get ready with us and we'll have her seated front row at the show!" Niall exclaimed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I smiled at his generosity.

"Bye Josh! Love you!" I said as I chuckled and followed Niall to his room.

"So Elle, love, ready to meet my band mates?" he asked with an adorable smile. This guy I swear, he was such a sweetie, I could already tell that we would get on really well.

"Why of course, Mr. Horan. why wouldn't I be?" I asked jokingly. I smiled as he opened the door to his room for me. I walked in and waited for him to take the lead into his room. Surprisingly yet welcome, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a small sitting room with a couch and a small telly. Sat on the couch were four boys, four rather handsome boys to be exact.  

"Lads! I met a girl!" Niall exclaimed and suddenly four sets of eyes were glued on me. I instantly felt self conscious, I had forgotten that my stomach was showing from underneath my crop top. Shit, I look like a hoe.

"Hii..." I said sheepishly.

"Babe, don't be shy! This is Elle, my new girlfriend," he said as he winked and sat on the couch leaving me standing there awkwardly with four boys still staring at me. I looked at him with daggers. Niall motioned for me to come sit on his lap.

As I walked over to him, my confidence returned and I decided I'd play along for now. "Elle, this is Louis" he said pointing to the sassy looking one with messed up brown hair going in all directions. He smiled at me and said hello. "This is Zayn," he said pointing to the straight up gorgeous exotic looking one with jet black hair. He too smiled and said, "Hello, love."

"This is Liam," Niall said pointing to the one with short messy light brown hair with a birthmark on his neck, he was cute. "And lastly his is Harry." I looked at him. He was definitely my favourite. He has gorgeous green orbs and a massive curly head of hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through. Oh, not even gonna lie, I wanted him.

"Hey babe," he said with his deep hoarse voice. He winked at me and immediately my cheeks turned to a deep rose colour.

"So, love, you're Niall's new girlfriend?" Liam, I think, asked me sincerely with an adorable smile.

Two could play at this game. "Yeah that's right, I'm Niall's new love," I said as I swiftly leaned over to Niall's face and planted a kiss right on his mouth. He was a good kisser. His tongue quickly made its way into my mouth. And soon after I came up for air and smiled at him devilishly. He looked up at me utterly stunned and confused but I could tell he wanted a little bit more. I wouldn't mind more with Niall, I thought to myself.

I burst out into the giggles. The lads just all stared at me with question marks on their faces. I smiled and figured that I should start to explain. "Guys, as much as Niall, here," I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "is a complete babe, I am not his girlfriend." I chuckled. I was still sitting on Niall's lap.

"Wait, I'm confused..." Louis wondered.

"Of course you are mate," Zayn teased, "but yeah me too."

"I'm not Niall's girlfriend but I am the one and only Eloise Devine. But call me Elle. I'm Josh's sister, I'm coming on tour with you guys this summer," I said looking at all the boys.

"So you're the Elle, we've been hearing so much about," Liam said smiling. Goddamn, his smile was so sexy. Ugh why the fuck were these boys so cute?! The boys just all stared at me grinning.

"Hmmm... I guess so," I smirked.

"So this means, you are in fact single, right?" Harry spoke up smiling foolishly.

"Yeah babe, I'm single," I said cheekily. I looked at him and turned my attention towards Niall and started toying with his hair. Harry wasn't even mine and I was already wanting to make him feel jealous.

"Fantastic," he said smirking right at me. I blushed and continued with Niall's blonde locks.

This one was long but I had to get in all the good stuff! Hope you like how the story is going! Comment and vote, tell me what you think, I appreciate it all :) read my other Harry fic, too, pleaaaase? It's called One NIght in Ibiza. Love youuuu x


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