The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XI

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Elle’s POV

“Harry, it’s okay,” I said attempting to lighten the mood. I looked to Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam who were seated beside me on the couch in the dressing room. They all looked so defeated and disappointed. Harry had just informed me and the lads that I had to leave to London tonight. Right after the show, to be exact. Apparently management wasn’t too happy about Harry and I’s relationship. Well, guess what management? Fuck you. I was sad and pissed at the same time, but I didn’t want the boys to worry about me.

“Really, baby,” I said as I got up off the couch to embrace my boyfriend. “It’s only 3 more weeks okay. And then you’ll be back in London and we’ll be together again right?” I asked as I looked up to Hazza and smiled. I pinched his cheeks a bit to make him smile. It worked… for about two seconds and then he got sad again. 

“Elle, babe,” Zayn began as he stood from the couch, “we’re just gonna miss you is all. We really got close to you these few weeks and we all love you…” I felt the pit of my stomach sink. I was about to get emotional. Oh God, please, not now. I am supposed to be strong for my boys. Zayn came close to me and wrapped his arms around me as he rested his chin on my head. 

“We really are, love” Niall contributed. He was getting emotional too, I could tell. 

“Boys, it’s gonna be okay, I promise. Only three weeks, remember? I’ll call everyday to make sure you haven’t killed one another,” I teased. This made them chuckle a bit. “Don’t get me wrong babes, I will miss you all too, but this way you guys can have some time without me, okay?” I smiled as I gestured for them to come into a big group hug. It took less than a second for me to be engulfed into a massive group hug with my lads. I smiled as tears began to fall from my face. I tried to hide them. Bloody hell, I was gonna miss them like mad.

We all separated from the embrace. “Mates, can you give me and Elle a second before the show starts… alone,” Harry said softly. 

“Yeah of course, Haz. We’ve got fifteen minutes,” Liam said as he, followed by Niall, Louis and Zayn, left the dressing room. 

Harry pulled me into a incredibly warm and tight hug. “I love you more than anything, Elle. Promise me you won’t forget that, okay?” I nodded as the tears were now freely falling from my eyes.

“I promise,” I choked out. 

“Shh, baby girl. Don’t cry. Remember what you said? Three weeks, that’s it. And then I’ll be home in London,” Harry said soothingly. He tilted my chin up to kiss me. This kiss was filled with anger and sadness and passion. It was gonna be a while until we kissed like this again. 

“I love you Harry,” I mumbled through the deepening kiss, “so much…” I began to snake my arms around his neck. Harry lifted my bum up as I wrapped my legs around his arse. We continued our passionate snog session, our lips moving as one. 

“Give me something to remember you by for the next three weeks,” he said. I nodded okay. He quickly pulled of my top and my skirt and placed me back down onto the couch. He too then began to undress himself. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at that body. The body that I wouldn’t be able to be with for awhile. “I love you,” Harry said as he got atop me. He placed soft sweet kisses on my chest and breasts. Harry placed himself at my entrance and slowly entered me, giving me a chance to adjust to his size. I wanted to moan, but I couldn’t, knowing that just outside this room there were tons of crew members along with the band and the lads. 

Harry must have sensed my apprehension. “Bite down if you have to,” he said softly referring to his shoulder as he began to thrust into me. So I did as instructed. I bit down fiercely as Harry continued to thrust deeper and deeper into me. The pain was masked with pleasure. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climaxing. 

I took my mouth from Harry’s shoulder to speak, “Harry, baby, hurry,” I whispered in his ear. And so he did, he pushed himself deeper and moved more quickly. Now I was really close. I bit down once again onto Harry’s shoulder to muffle the sounds of my moans. Soon enough, I orgasmed, all around Harry. My head jerked back in pure ecstasy and I felt my orgasm run through my body. Cumming along with me was Harry. He spilled into me as soon as I climaxed. I pulled his neck down gently and kissed his lips with desire and romance. “That was the first time we’ve cum together,” I smiled. He smiled right back at me and kissed me once more before getting up off me and redressing himself. I did the same with the help of Harry. 

He pulled me in close to him and cupped my face in his strong hands. His kissed me tenderly. “I’ve gotta go, baby, but that was fantastic. I love you,” he kissed my mouth yet again. “See you in three weeks angel,” he said before swiftly leaving the room to get to the stage.

Harry’s POV

I walked back into the dressing room knowing very well that Elle wouldn’t be there. I just wanted to relive the ten minutes before the show when I made love to my girlfriend. I already missed her.

“C’mon mate, we’ve got to go to the hotel,” I heard Louis say from behind me. I hadn’t even noticed him walk in. I looked to him with sad eyes. “I know, I miss her too,” he said practically reading my mind. And with that we left the dressing room and the arena to get to the hotel. 

As Louis and I got to our room I plopped my exhausted body onto the bed. I checked my mobile to see if anything interesting had happened. I had a new message. From Elle:

I miss you already. x

It was sent at 8:02pm. The minute after I left the dressing room. Shit, I missed her. I replied:

I miss you even more. Call me as soon as you land, ok baby? xxx 

I sent the message before checking twitter. I had tons of mentions as usual but there was one that stood out to me. It had my username along with Elle’s tagged. It was from a girl called AnnaBelle.

AnnaBeeLoves1D: I am officially pissed with #1DHQ. They separated @Harry_Styles and @HellYeahElle because of a bunch of hating bitches. I hope you bitches are happy!! … bitches …

The girl’s colourful vocabulary made me chuckle, so did her sweetness towards me and Elle. I favorited it and retweeted it. While I did so, I noticed another person who had done the same. Well, actually I noticed six other users who had done the same: Elle, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam and Josh… oh shit even Paul favorited it. I loved that guy. I smiled sleepily before dozing off.

“Hazza wake up!” I heard Louis shout groggily, “the damn phone!” My mobile was ringing, the noise permeating the entire space. I sleepily took it from the side table and answered it. 

“Hello…” I mumbled into the phone.

“Oh shit, Harry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up! I forgot about the time difference,” I heard the voice say from the other end of the phone. It was Elle! I instantly woke myself up.

“Oh baby, don’t worry,” I said, “You landed okay right?” I asked sincerely.

“Yeah Hazza, I’m fine. I just got home to my flat,” I heard her voice get softer, she seemed unhappy. 

“Elle, baby, are you alright?” I asked concerned. I was sitting up on my bed now. Louis seemed to have awoken also. He looked at me questioningly. ‘It’s Elle,’ I mouthed to him. He smiled almost instantly. Louis got up off his bed and exited our room. Where could he possibly be going to at 4:30 in the morning?

“… yeah I’m okay…” Elle said.

“Eloise Devine, I know you well enough to know when you are lying to me,” I said into my mobile. I heard her giggle. She hated when people called her Eloise, but I managed to get away with it somehow. 

“I miss you…” she said softly. 

“Oh baby, shh, I miss you too…” I said not lying, I really missed her.

“Harry, I should go. You should get some sleep okay…” As she said so, the door to my room busted open and four sleepy lads barged in.

“Harry let us talk to her!” Niall whined. 

“Let us please!” Zayn begged.

“Elle, babe, wait. Some people wanna say hi. I’m putting you on speaker,” I said.

“ELLE!” all the boys yelled at once.

“We miss you, love!” Liam said.

“Boys?” she asked, “why aren’t you all sleeping??”

“Louis came to wake us up so we could talk to you!” Niall contributed.

“Louis? Why would you do that? You lads need your rest,” she said. Even though I wasn’t with her, I could tell she was smiling. She was glad that Louis woke up the other lads.

“We love you and we wanted to talk to you baby girl,” Louis said.

“I love you all too boys,” Elle said he voice soft and raspy. Shit, she was gonna start crying. My baby girl, was gonna cry and I wasn’t there to hold her. “Alright boys, go back to bed. Call me tomorrow when you can. Love you Louis, love you Zayn, love you Liam, love you Niall, I love you Harry. Good night.”

“Love you,” we all chorused into the speaker. And with that the phone went dead. 

~ Okay I'm like tearing up. I want them to be together sooo bad. This sex scene wasn't too dirty, more romantic than anything. I was like crying tears of joy typing it up. And the lads are so damn sweet to Elle too. Ughhhh. But it's more interesting this way. Hope you all are still intrigued with this story. Sad to say that's it's coming to an end soon. Maybe two or three or four more chapters. I dunno, I'm very indecisive. Oh well, I know how it's gonna end and that's all that matters. Anyway, comment, vote, fan, tell me what you think!! xx Lauren

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