The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XVI

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**Author's note: there is a very descriptive and detailed sex scene in this chapter. It has been cut out because it's very graphic and I guess "inappropriate." If you wanna know where to read the full version, go to

Elle's POV

Both Harry and I walked silently down the hall to his hotel suite, hands interlocked with each others. As we approached the door, he shoved his empty hand into his pocket to find the room key. He slid it in and opened the door for me to enter. There was a comfortable silence between us, as I walked in deeper into the suite. I didn't take much time to observe the scenery, because I couldn't give two fucks about what the place looked like. All I knew, is that I wanted Harry, right here, right now. 

I did look around for the bedroom though and as my eyes found sight of it, my body was slammed into the wall nearby. The front of my body was pressed hard onto the wall while the front of Hazza's body was pressed firmly onto the back of mine. His lips attached to my ear, progressively moved down the side of my neck. They bit down firmly, making me yelp in slight pain. Harry lapped over the bruised skin with his skillful tongue, making the pain go away. He started rubbing my arse and groping me. I could feel his definite hard on. I chuckled. It didn't seem to please Harry at all. I felt his breath in my ear, it sent shivers down my body.

"You think that's funny...?" he asked aggressively. "Do you know how hard it is to not have sex, for three fucking weeks...?" his husky whisper made me weak at the knees. "My hands are no where near as skillful as yours are..." He was barely speaking and I was already soaking for him. I was aching for his touch. Harry's hand slipped down into my trousers and he started rubbing my centre through the fabric of my thong. He whispered in my ear again, "You fucking whore, you're already wet for me." He let out a devilish chuckle which only made me yearn for him even more. I let out a moan to show him I was ready for more than this. "Moan, you slut. Because tonight, I'm gonna make you scream my name out..." he whispered sensually. "I want you to be loud enough so the lads, and the whole hotel can hear. I wanna made them jealous..." he teased as he nibbled softly on my ear. Again a loud moan escaped my mouth, I heard another devilish chuckle come from Hazza. I had to admit, this sexy and aggressive Harry was REALLY turning me on.

"H-harry... Ohhh," I managed to get out as he slipped two fingers in my centre. He stroked them up and down just teasing me. Holy fuck, I needed him in me now. He pulled them out, much to my disappointment and turned me around to face him. He crashed his lips on to mine, not even begging my permission to let his tongue enter my mouth. He pulled back far too quickly for my liking.

"You are so wet, huh baby?" he asked while examining his soaked fingers before sticking them in his mouth. He sucked hard on them and licked them clean. Harry loved the taste of me. God, he looked so sexy. "Oh, I missed that," he winked as he grabbed firmly onto my hand and took me inside the bedroom.

Soon enough, we were both lying side my side on the soaked bed panting. I gasped for air. That was possibly the best sex I've ever had. I turned to face Harry, who was already looking at me. "You're so sexy when you dominate," I giggled. He pulled me in close to his naked body.

"Oh you like that, eh?" he teased as he kissed my lips passionately. "Because, I like it when you beg." I saw him smile as he kissed my head. "I love you more than anything, you know that right?" he asked. I looked up so my eyes would meet his.

"Of course I know that, baby. And you know that I love you more than anything, right?" I asked as I smiled. He grinned back at me before kissing me once more. 


As Harry and I approached the gate that read Flight 3173 to London, we noticed the lads waiting nearby. I walked over. "Morning babes," I said as I kissed each boy's cheek.

"Morning Elle," they said before all giggling like little school girls. I instantly knew what they were giggling about. They heard everything last night. These boys only giggle like this when it has something to do with me and Harry having sex or getting caught having sex. The immaturity level of these lads astounds me.

"Really boys..? It's not like you've never had a girl scream for you before... or haven't you..?" I joked. They all looked at me shocked at my comeback. I chuckled.

"I'll have you very well know, that Eleanor is indeed a screamer..." Louis defended cheekily.

"Sure okay..." I teased. Harry had appeared now too. "And for the record, I was forced into screaming," I said smugly as I looked to Hazza. "Someone," I gestured to Harry, "wanted to make his band mates a tad bit jealous..." I smirked. Harry's cheeks turned red as he attempted to hide his face.

"It worked..." Niall said pretending to pout. I went and sat on his lap.

"Aww baby, I still love you though," I said sweetly while he kissed my cheek. I chuckled. 

As the lads and I continued to wait for our plane to board, I heard an announcer speak. 

Flight 1462 to Tahiti is now boarding first class passengers.

I looked to Harry who was gathering our luggage. I looked to the boys confusedly. They just grinned at me cheekily. I looked back to Hazza, he just smiled at me. "C'mon, let's go," was all he said. 

"Wait, what's going on?" I quizzed. "Are we not going back to London?"

Zayn chuckled before he came up to me and hugged me. "Just go already," he said before kissing my cheek goodbye. The other lads all did the same. "Love you," they chorused.

I looked once more to Hazza, "No babe, we are not going back to London, not yet anyway. The movers still have to move all your stuff into me and Louis's flat." A massive grin grew on my face.

"Really?! You're letting me move in with you guys?!" I chirped as I gave Harry a kiss and giant hug. He just nodded. I looked to Louis, who was grinning like total dork. I gave him a big hug as well. 

Harry continued, "So I figured we could go to Tahiti for a couple weeks while we wait," he said cheekily. I just smiled, in awe of how amazing my boyfriend is. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips with lust and passion.

"Enough with the snogging," Niall said while his hands were covering his eyes. I chuckled at the adorable Irish lad.

"Yeah mate, you've got a plane to catch, remember?" Liam reminded us. He really was Daddy Direction. I smiled at him. 

"Oh shit, that's right," Hazza laughed. "We'll see you in two weeks mates!" The lads all hugged Harry and said goodbye, which I must say was fucking adorable. Then they came to me and hugged and kissed me once more. 

"I love you boys, don't forget, okay?" I blew them all kisses and started walking to board the plane with Harry.

I stopped us before we walked through the tunnel. "I love you so much, Harry Styles," I said. He smiled and kissed my nose. I let out a tiny giggle

"I love you way more than you'll ever know, Elle Devine," Harry said before he kissed me gently and we boarded our plane.


Holy fuck! It's done! The Drummer's Sister is now complete! Can you believe it? I sure as hell can't. I really hoped you all enjoyed it. I'm so proud of this story, I honestly can't even believe that it got over ten reads let alone over ten thousand! Crazy stuff, right there. Don't forget that I absolutely love each and everyone of you all who reads, fans, and comments and votes. I do try and reply to everyone because I love youuuu:) Thanks again to everyone who's been so nice to me throughout writing this whole story. Sorry I'm being all sentimental and shit, I can't help it! Ahh. Anyway, be the awesome readers I know youa re and check out the SEQUELThe Singer's Girlfriend and my new Harry fic One Night in Ibiza!! All my love xx


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