Juggling statues and Stolen Buckets

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"Well, look who finally decided to show up," Snotlout deadpanned when he saw the twins land in the arena.

"You guys would not believe what happened out there!" Tuff said so eagerly that it made both twins bounce on the spot.

"Has anyone been feeding them sugar?" Fishlegs asked, "cause they look like their on a sugar rush,"

"Oh, we're on a rush my friend, but not from sugar," Ruff said.

"Wait, didn't we get some sugar on the way?" Tuff asked. They both looked at each other before Ruff continued.

"Ok, we're partially on a sugar rush but that's not why we're both so pumped!"

"Out with it guys," Heather said.

"Hold it, this is too good to just blurt out," Tuff said before taking a deep breathe, "who would've know that we would be able to truth or dare Stoick the Vast!" They both yelled before laughing and high-giving each other.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. You what?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"Yep, we managed to get Stoick into the game!" Tuff started eagerly.

"Since Gobber was the last person to be dared we made him truth or dare Stoick since he was the only one there. But he refused to do it and he then flew off," Ruffnut explained.

"What?!" Hiccup exclaimed again.

"Yep," the twins said.

"Hiccup, are you ok, you look like...you're in a state of panic," Fishlegs said.

"Oh, I don't know, it's probably because I am," Hiccup deadpanned, "oh boy, Dad's gonna unleash his hurricane on me,"

"How can Stoick conjure up hurricanes?" Fanghook asked, "because I swear he can't do that,"

"He means that he's gonna flip," Meatlug said while the other dragons face palmed.

"Alright, what did you two do after that," Astrid asked but she immediately regretted it once the twins answered.

"Well as the forfeit, we told Bucket that he was made chief for the week because Stoick was off somewhere so now he's taking charge of the village," Tuff said.

"What?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"I know, I know. You can congratulate me later," Tuff said bowing.

"Uh, who said that it was your idea?" Ruff asked in a challenging manner.

"Hold up, so you think that you came up with that?" Tuff asked back. The two were now getting into each other's faces. They kept throwing insults at each other and things were about to get violent until Toothless whacked them both with his tail (similar to how he does it in Season 6 XD). The twins were now holding their faces in pain.

"Oh, I am hurt, I am very much hurt!" Tuff exclaimed.

"Ok, we're gonna get into the village and set Bucket straight before things go haywire and I get killed," Hiccup said walking towards Toothless and mounting him.

"Wait! It's a forfeit, remember! It can't be stopped!" Ruff quickly said.

"Well, I'm just about to," Hiccup said and he then took off.

"Ugh, why must out work be ruined," Tuff said sadly.

"Guys, if Bucket is really trying to run the place, the island has more of a chance of not burning to the ground if even Snotlout was made to take charge of the island," Fishlegs said, "and that's saying something,"

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