Loved (analogical prt. 4)

444 17 4

Roman's POV

"Logan! Please, honey, open the door!" My boyfriend that stood behind me cried out. He was flailing around the place, ordering me to just kick the door open. But I was too limp and weak from the constant training from yesterday. Still, I wasn't giving up for when the life of the logical trait was at risk.

"Patton, babe, I need you to go and take of Virgil alright? He's probably confused and panicky, I need you to calm him down and just be there for him, okay? I'll deal with this." I mumbled to him softly. His eyes were filled with worry and guilt, he just swallowed the pain and nodded his head.

"I love you," I say, kissing his forehead. Even at this intense situation that we somehow got ourselves into, he still blushed and muttered a small response. I smiled slightly, watching him run to where Virgil currently was.

My smile vanished in a second as I hear something or someone hitting the cold tile.


I kicked and punched, trying to get the door to open. It didn't budge, my fists were starting to bleed now. I just bit my lip, ignoring the pain and punched the door again.

"Patton! Patton!" I yelled out. And in a flash, Patton appeared with Virgil by his side. The anxious side looked troubled and confused, god  he must be terrified right now.

"Darling, can you get me a chair please? I can't conjure one right now, I'm too weak and tired." I said drowsily, making Virgil narrow his eyes at me. Patton nodded again, conjuring one and passing it to me.

"Why would you need a chair for?" Anxiety questioned, raising his brow.

"For this," I swung the chair unto the door, making it collapse on the ground with a thud. Virgil's mouth dropped, his eyes widening in shock at me. I just shrugged, dropping it on my side.

How subtle

"Logan!" Patton sobbed, running up to the passed out trait on the ground. He kneeled on the ground, pressing his thumb on his wrist trying to feel any pulse. After a few seconds that felt like years, I hear Patton sigh in relief.

"He's still alive," I whispered, happy but also drop dead tired.

"W-what happened to h-him?" Virgil stuttered shakily, his body slightly trembling in fear. "Did...I do this? D-did I h-hurt him?"

"Virgil, kiddo, of course not!" Patton assured. I mentally conversed with Patton through hand gestures, tilting my head to Virgil with a frown. He stands up, allowing me to check up on the poor trait.

Patton took Virgil in his arms, letting him soak his shirt with guilty tears freely. He cooed slightly, patting his back while muttering sweet hums. The hums lulled Virgil, the loud thumping of his heart quieting down.

"Then w-why did he do this? Huh?! Why!" Virgil cried, clutching on the father figure's shirt tightly.

"It must've... overwhelmed him. The frantic emotions, I mean. I have never seen him do something this drastic before." I cut off, lifting Logan in my arms with ease and laying him softly on the duvet of his.

"See? None of these are your fault. He must have bottled all these feelings for so long, that he just broke. Which is completely normal, kiddo." He smiled at anxiety, hugging him once again. Virgil blew a breath of relief, clenching his fists tightly in attempt to not have a panic attack in front of the other sides.

"Can I...hold him?"

"Of course, sweetheart." I say. He nodded his head at me, approaching Logan warily. He grasped his cold hands, connecting it with his. Unshed tears brimmed his eyes, though he forced it to stay in. He didn't want to look weak, not anymore.

"I'm going to inspect the bathroom further, I want to know what he swallowed and if it's... life threatening or not." I swallowed hardly out of pure anxiety, and nervousness.

"I'll go with you, I think they need privacy right now." Patton responded, smiling sadly at Anxiety.

"T-thank you, guys. For saving him." He said out of gratefullness. I just bowed, making Patton giggle slightly.

"Of course, kiddo!"

"Anytime, Mr. Hot Topic." I winked, in results of Patton punching me on the arm out of jealousy. I winced at the contact, but still chuckled at this.

"Mine," he glares playfully at the other trait. Small giggles erupt out of Virgil's mouth, his chest buzzing lightly.

Our laughter filled the room, as if the awkward  tension before never existed. Virgil wiped his dried out tears, still holding the hand of his beloved.

"Okay, okay. I'm done laughing, I think." Patton blushed, still giggling like a child. I grinned, planting a kiss on his lips. A look of disgust morphed on Virgil's face as he sticks his finger in his mouth, pretend-gagging. A burst of laughter comes out from Patton again, him almost falling down if it wasn't for me, the flamboyant prince, catching him.

"Slow down there, tiger." I replied, my cheeks numb from smiling but also screaming. He bleps his tongue at me, a.k.a sticking it out, blowing raspberries jokingly.

"Ya ain't the boss of me." He crosses his arms, a frowny pout on his face.

"Sure, love, sure."


This just turned to 100 to 0 real quick. Lol, sorry for another bad chapter. Things are shaping up to be pretty fucked in my life, I guess.//

See ya laterz, pals
-dan \_(:/)_/

discontinued Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora